Writers' Guidelines |
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Written by Staff |
Tuesday, 27 October 2015 02:08 PM America/New_York |
As Charisma Media's new publisher, I'm grateful for your contributions, whether for our print or online brands. Charisma Media recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of Charisma magazine—and God has been faithful to use us in His kingdom work. Now we're eager to keep moving forward as God leads us. Our direction is simple: quality over quantity. We've noticed that quality in many submissions to our magazines has declined in the last few years. In pursuit of excellence, we must resolve to hold our standards in research, writing and grammar to the highest level. I'm pleased to introduce to you our revised writers' guidelines. Below you will find our revised writing instructions for content we have requested. We've made quite a few updates. Some revisions should have been made long before now (For instance, you'll be pleased to know typewriters are no longer necessary to submit articles to us). If you submit an article that doesn't adhere to our guidelines, we'll send it back to you. I encourage you to look at our writers' guidelines. Read them thoroughly. We believe our guidelines will serve you well as a writer. If you are well-versed in the Christian products industry, we'd love for you to keep writing for us. To make that happen, let's work together to produce quality content for the benefit of our readers. Blessings to you, Dr. Steve Greene Aim and Audience Christian Retailing, which is part of Charisma Media, aims to champion the world of Christian resources. For the Christian products industry, we aim to be the most trusted resource hub that provides critical information and insight to advance business and ministry. Our readers include Christian retailers, church bookstores, publishers, music labels, distributors and others working and volunteering in the Christian products industry. Types of Articles We Publish—or Not Christian Retailing publishes features, a small number of news stories and columns of interest to our readers. We do not accept unsolicited content for publication. Plagiarism Policy At Charisma Media, we write in spirit and in truth. Philippians 1: 9-10 calls us to be “blameless” and approving of “things that are excellent.” With that foundation, we decry the practice of plagiarism, using another’s work without proper attribution. As a writer, if you attempt to pass off someone else’s writing as your own or do not source your quotes or information correctly, we will reject your submission. Plagiarism can also occur when you use someone else’s argument or expression, so take care to cite the source. Recycled content does not honor the spirit of excellence we seek to maintain in our writing. Plagiarism undermines the trust of our readers, which is critical to our work as journalists. Editorial Direction for Requested Articles Our standard when citing the Scriptures is the Modern English Version (MEV) Bible. Please use the MEV in your writing unless you need to use a different translation for a specific reason. We follow Associated Press (newspaper) style with some exceptions. Our editors will edit your material according to this style. Keep in mind that we do not use footnotes, but attribute as necessary within the article. We generally prefer writing from a third-person point of view, although we make exceptions for certain types of content as deemed appropriate. We may need to return your article for revisions or shorten it in the editing process. Have Questions or Comments? Email any questions or comments about Christian Retailing and the Christian products industry to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We want to answer emails but do not guarantee a response. If you prefer to contact us through the mail, please use the following address: Christian Retailing |