Well-known evangelist backs youth Bible |
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Monday, 08 December 2008 09:40 AM America/New_York |
Supporting notes challenge Christians to be 'heroes and change agents'Contributions from well-known Argentine evangelist Dante Gebel are featured in a youth-oriented edition of the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), a translation of the New International Version. Biblia NVI Héroes (NVI heroes Bible) debuts from Editorial Vida, Zondervan’s Spanish division, Feb. 1. Biblia NVI Héroes is “a radical Bible” that also quotes from great Christian leaders and offers Gebel’s reflections about what he defines as the true Christian way of life, said David Coyotl, Editorial Vida’s marketing manager. Gebel, a resident of Miami who ministers worldwide, said Christians need to be “heroes and change agents in a society where the real values of integrity have become blurred. We need to raise up a counterculture people with a manual of spiritual formation, which is the Bible.” Among the hundreds of heroes cited in the special edition Bible are Nehemiah, Ezra and Paul.
“They gave their lives for a noble cause,” Gebel said. “I think it is character that transforms an ‘invisible’ person into a contemporary hero.” The special Bible culminates a year of work with help from his friend, Omar Herrera, who is also an author and encouraged him to write the Bible’s notes. Biblia NVI Héroes will be available in hardcover (978-0-829-75257-1, $24.99) and two Italian Duo-Tone designs (black and orange, -8-8; beige and purple -9-5), which retail for $34.99 each. The notes in the Bible are divided into three sections: Gebel’s reflections based on his experiences in ministry, a study guide and a section called “código de honor de los héroes” (honor code of the heroes), which focuses on character and stewardship. “I hope this Bible will be well-received, mainly by the youth,” Gebel said. “It contains articles that I would have liked to (have) read when I was younger.” Gebel is president of Línea Abierta Group, a multimedia production company based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Miami. He performs shows with the company in stadiums and theaters around the world. He also hosts daily and weekly TV programs that air in some 50 countries. To order, call 800-226-1122, ext. 3352, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.zondervan.com. |