Stress book publisher aims for crossover market Print
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Tuesday, 12 August 2008 10:44 AM America/New_York

In a move to enter the crossover market, Editorial Patmos released Mary Southerland’s Cómo escapar de la trampa del estrés: 9 estrategias prácticas para superar la sobrecarga (Escaping the Stress Trap: 9 Practical Strategies to Overcome Overload, 978-1-588-02412-1, $11.95), Nov. 30. Harvest House Publishers released the original English version in 2004, reissuing it three years later.

“We want to get the Christian message across to the secular market,” Vern Peterson, general manager of Editorial Patmos, told Christian Retailing. “For years, this has been something that Spanish Christian booksellers have wanted to do—produce books that are useful and practical with a Christian message.

“We feel this will be an excellent crossover book to the secular market while maintaining a Christian message,” he added.


Peterson said Latin Americans face many of the same stresses experienced by North Americans and even more.

“Latin America is becoming more and more like the United States,” he said. “Latino believers are also often expected to go to church three or four times a week, and they deal with the extended family, which takes a lot of time. You don’t see the siesta hour as much as you did because so many people are commuting to work.”

Southerland, a popular speaker who overcame severe clinical depression, said she has found the keys to balancing writing, ministry and family life. Her life story, Una luz en la oscuridad (originally titled Coming Out of the Dark), is available from Editorial Patmos. Today she heads an outreach called Women’s Ministry Motivator.

Editorial Patmos, which marks its 10th anniversary in 2009, is affiliated with Brazil-based Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus. To order, call 877-452-9915, e-mail or visit