Tyndale House Publishers is holding a contest to promote the release of Imaginary Jesus by debut novelist Matt Mikalatos.
Released last month, the novel follows the adventures of Mikalatos, a Portland, Ore., staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), on his quest to find the real Jesus among dozens of imposters. Christian researcher George Barna is a character in the novel, released under Tyndale's BarnaBooks imprint.
CCC will place special-edition copies of Imaginary Jesus in more than 15,000 Freshman Survival Kits to be delivered to students on college campuses this fall, Tyndale officials said.
Contest participants are invited to write an essay, create a video clip or submit an original drawing that depicts or describes their experience with an "imaginary Jesus" in their own life, and how they came to recognize the real Jesus in the face of cultural imposters.
The grand prize includes an Amazon Kindle book reader, an Apple iPod Touch and an all-expenses paid trip for two to Portland as well as other prizes. More than 100 first- and second-place prizes will also be awarded. All entries must be submitted online before July 1 at midnight CST.
Click here for more information on the "My Imaginary Jesus" contest. |