Rick Warren, Zondervan sign exclusive agreement Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Monday, 14 September 2009 01:16 PM America/New_York

Zondervan, publisher of the mega best-seller The Purpose Driven Life (PDL), has signed an exclusive agreement with PDL author Rick Warren, to publish his next major book, The Hope You Need. Published in 2002, PDL became the No. 1 all-time best-selling hardcover nonfiction book in publishing history.

"My motivation as an author has always been the message, not the market, and I have been waiting for the right time, until I had something to say that would speak to the personal and societal problems we all face," Warren said. "With unemployment in some parts of the country running as high as 15%, many individuals-including my own congregation-are feeling the pinch of this recession, and are in need of hope."

The Hope You Need was inspired by an eight-part sermon series Warren preached at his Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., and focuses on the power in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.

"We are thrilled to partner once again with our longtime friend to bring this timeless and timely message to everyone," said Zondervan CEO Moe Girkins. "Gaining insight and meaning to the way Jesus prayed to His Father no doubt will inspire all of us."

Zondervan also published two titles in the "Living With Purpose" series in 2006. God's Answers to Life's Difficult Questions and God's Power to Change Your Life were based on previously published material.

In October 2008, Warren's The Purpose of Christmas was published by Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. It was a gift book based on Warren's most famous Christmas message.

The Hope You Need will release simultaneously in English and Spanish worldwide on Nov. 17. For more information, go to www.thehopeyouneed.com.