Escape artist promotes evangelistic book with death-defying stunt Print
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Thursday, 15 August 2013 09:18 AM America/New_York

Escape artist Anthony Martin recently went to new heights to promote his first book, Escape or Die: An Escape Artist Unlocks the Secret to Cheating Death (Genesis Publishing Group).

On Aug. 6, Martin plummeted out of an airplane at 14,500 feet, handcuffed and chained in a locked box with less than a minute to escape and deploy his parachute. The successful aerial escape, featured live on FOX News, garnered worldwide attention and was the most downloaded Associated Press story of the day.

Martin, 47, said he took the death-defying stunt for a second time on the 25th anniversary of his first escape to bring attention to his evangelistic book. In Escape or Die, available to Christian retailers through Send The Light Distribution, Martin recounts his numerous escape exploits—all used as metaphors for escaping eternal death through faith in Jesus.

Performing escapes since age 10, Martin has used his stunts to evangelize for the past 15 years through his Ambassador In Chains ministry.

In June, Nik Wallenda, high-wire artist and author of Balance: A Story of Faith, Family, and Life on the Line (FaithWords), succeeded in becoming the first person to walk on a wire across the Grand Canyon during Discovery Channel's Skywire Live special.

For more information on Martin's ministry, visit Order Escape or Die through Send The Light Distribution at