Bookbeat September 2014 |
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Written by Leslie Santamaria |
Monday, 11 August 2014 12:45 PM America/New_York |
Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson (with Mark Schlabach) shares his views on faith, family and ducks in unPHILtered: The Way I See It. He also expounds his opinions on topics such as gun control, taxes and prayer in school, with an emphasis on home and family mingled with his signature off-the-wall comments. Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, releases the book in hardcover ($25.99) Sept. 2. In Wanting to Believe: Faith, Family, and Finding an Exceptional Life (B&H Books), Ryan Dobson, son of child and family psychologist Dr. James Dobson, discloses the principles his parents sought to impart to him on topics such as marriage, finances and identity. Ryan tells how as an adolescent, he tested the limits of his parents’ boundaries and questioned their faith, ultimately embracing their faith as his own. Wanting to Believe is available Sept. 1 for $14.99 (softcover).
The love of God is the topic of Stormie Omartian’s Choose Love: The Three Simple Choices That Will Alter the Course of Your Life (softcover, $14.99). Omartian explains how Christians can reflect God most clearly and transform their relationships by choosing to show God’s love in all situations. Harvest House Publishers releases Choose Love this month. Omartian is the best-selling author of “The Power of a Praying” series with more than 28 million books sold. Gary Wilkerson, son of David Wilkerson, founder of Times Square Church and Teen Challenge, has penned with R.S.B. Sawyer the story of his father’s life and ministry in an upcoming Zondervan release, David Wilkerson: The Cross, The Switchblade, and the Man Who Believed. Gary Wilkerson, president of World Challenge and lead pastor of The Springs Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was also his father’s ministry partner before David’s death in 2011. This hardcover ($22.99) is available Sept. 2.
Living Courageously: You Can Face Anything, Just Do It Afraid (hardcover, $24) is the newest book from No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Joyce Meyer. In this FaithWords title releasing Sept. 16, Meyer shows how Christians can use strength from God to overcome fear and achieve joy and fulfillment. She argues it is the inherited right of a child of God to enjoy life and teaches readers how to start living to the fullest. Gary Chapman, Paul White and Harold Myra partnered to offer hope and guidance to employees in Rising Above a Toxic Workplace: Taking Care of Yourself in an Unhealthy Environment (Northfield Publishing/Moody Publishers, Sept. 1). The book includes true stories from workers who share what they learned and how they coped, as well as a survival guide of strategies and insights. Chapman is the No. 1 New York Times best-selling author of The 5 Love Languages; White is a licensed psychologist; and Myra served as CEO of Christianity Today International for 32 years. Their hardcover book retails for $19.99. By examining the seven miracles Jesus performed in the book of John, Mark Batterson, New York Times best-selling author of The Circle Maker, reminds readers that God still does miracles today. In The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible (hardcover, $22.99), Batterson urges readers to seek not the miracles, but God, the miracle-worker. Sept. 2 is the release date for this Baker Books (Baker Publishing Group) title. Lance Ford tells the stories of evangelicals who are transcending negative stereotypes and joyfully living out the good news in Revangelical: Becoming the Good News People We’re Meant to Be (Tyndale Momentum/Tyndale House Publishers). Ford is an author and cofounder of KC Sentral, a missional training agency in Kansas City. Revangelical |