International Christian Retail Show exhibitors |
Written by Production |
Monday, 13 June 2011 10:03 AM America/New_York |
Plan ahead for your floor time with suppliersFull exhibitor listingAbbott Hall, #239 Abbey Press, #1619 Abingdon Press, #828 African American Expressions, #1518 Alpha Omega Publications, #521 Amazing Facts, #1447 Ambassador International, #947 American Bible Society, #318 AMG Publishers, #801 Anchor Distributors, #709 Apex Trading Co., #1929 Artistic Manufacturing Corp., #618 B&H Publishing Group, #728 Baker Publishing Group, #539 Barbour Publishing, #529 Bargain Books Wholesale, #328 Berg Christian Enterprises, #2033 Bezaleel Gifts Co., #2001 Black Family Press, #341 Blossom Bucket, #2005 Bob Siemon Designs, #1711 Book Depot, #242 Booklog, #827 Bookstore Manager Software, #1410 Bowman Art, #1906 Bridge-Logos Foundation, #331 Bridgestone Multimedia Group, #1100 Brownlow Gifts, #1710 Cactus Game Design, #1919 Carolina Retail Packaging, #1706 Carpentree, #1701 Cathedral Art Metal, #1511 Catholic Book Publishing Corp., #232 Central South Distribution, #1104 Charisma Media (formerly Strang Communications), #819 Christ for the Nations, #500 Christian Art Gifts, #1727 Christian Focus Publications, #1246 Christian Life Outreach, #1147 Christian Media International/The Spoken Word of God, #1046 Christian Small Publishers Association, #338 Christian World, #1313 Christianaudio/Hovel Audio, #339 CLC Publications, #646 CNI Distribution, #1009 Comfort Publishing, #451 Concordia Publishing House, #409 Creation By Design, #1001 Crossway, #321 Crown Financial Ministries, #210 CTA, #1604 Dake Publishing, #905 Danteck Group, #1247 David C. Cook, # DaySpring Cards, #1521 Destiny Image, #211 Dexsa Co., #1611 Dicksons, #1821 Discovery House Publishers/RBC Ministries, #951 Eikon Bible Art, #1546 Ellie Claire/Summerside Press, #1507 EMI CMG Distribution, #1103 Emkay Candle Co., #900 EP Books, #547 E-R Productions, #1146 Evergreen Press, #1542 Every Good Gift, #1708 Exotic World Gifts, #2118 Faith Library Publications, #431 FaithWords/Hachette Book Group, #719 Fireside Catholic Publishing, #1438 Foundation Publications, #903 Franklin Electronic Publishers, #405 Fun Express, #2022 G.T. Luscombe Co., #1608 Gardenfire, #2027 Gifts of Faith, #96 Glory Haus, #2010 Gospel Light/Regal Books, #611 Gospel Publishing House, #847 Gregg Gift Co., #1719 Group Publishing, #909 H.J. Sherman Co., #1503 Haggai Books, #1639 Harrison House Publishers, #345 Harvest House Publishers, #639 Hendrickson Publishers, #400 Heritage Lace Inspirational, #2019 Hermitage Art Co., #621 Holy Land Gifts, #1902 Howard Books, #208 Howard Imprinting Machine Co., #230 Ideals Publications, #218 Imagine Design, #1905 Inspirational Closeout Solutions, #324 Integra Interactive, #1003 InterVarsity Press, #303-311 James Lawrence Co., #1613 JMS Marketing & Sales, #724 Kerusso, #1409 Kingstone Media Group, #649 Kirkbride Bible Co., #702 Kregel Publications, #610 Left Behind Games, #1207 Levy’s Leathers, #2112 Lighthouse Christian Products Co., #1907-1913 Lion Hudson, #511 Mach III/Color-Ons, #1609 Merch-it!, #1925 Milestones Int’l Publishers, #200 Montco Packaging, #238 Moody Publishers, #701 Munce Group, #833 Murphy Cap & Gown Co., #830 New Day Christian Distributors, #1303 New Hope Publishers, #722 New Leaf Publishing Group, #1039 No Greater Joy Ministries, #1338 Noah’s Ark Distribution, #1403 The Northampton Press, #1443 Not of This World (NOTW), #1526 Oasis Audio, #313 OM Ships International, #227 Outline Bible Resources by Leadership Ministries Worldwide, #1343 Outreach, #1539 Oxford University Press, #904 P&R Publishing, #603 P. Graham Dunn, #1627 Parable Franchising, #1339 Positive Productions Plus!, #1442 Praiz POS/Extreme POS, #322 Precious Moments, #2030 Pro Pueblo, #1509 Protec, #1904 Provident-Integrity Distribution, #1006 Pure Flix Entertainment, #1419 Rainbow Publishers/Legacy Press, #720 Revival Literature, #625 R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp., #1049 Rhythm Band Instruments, #1923 Rhythm U.S.A., #2032 Robert Spooner Galerie, #1811 Rose Publishing, #438 Royal Consumer Information Products, #1341 Saber of Truth Ministries, #1538 Scripture Candy, #1602 ScriptureWear, #2013 SDS Design Associates, #1507 Servant Marketing, #2009 Singer Co., #1601 Solid Rock Jewelry, #1805 Spirit & Truth Christian Jewelry Designs, #1532 Spring Arbor Distributors, #419 Standard Publishing, #939 STL Distribution North America, #1138 SW Press Co., #401 Swanson Christian Products, #1346, 1901 Tabbies, # 519 Talicor, #2018 Tecmark Corp., #1311 Thomas Nelson Bargain Books, #340 Tier Toys/Krazy Houze, #1607 Trinitarian Bible Society USA, #624 Trinity Broadcasting Network, #1002 True Potential Publishing, #204 Truth Book Publishers, #449 Tyndale House Publishers, #501 Union Gospel Press, #206 Universal Designs, #1700 Valtim Marketing Services, #1605 Vermont Christmas Co., #1606 Vision Street Publishing, #548 Warner Press, #201 Well Versed Gifts, #2003 Wesleyan Publishing House, #1439 WestBow Press, #623 Wholesale Christian Books, #231 Wilton Armetale, #2021 WinePress Publishing, #439 Word Distribution, #1111 WORDsearch Corp., #1340 World Wide Printing, #607 Worthy Publishing, #1545 Xulon Press, #747 Zondervan, #739
CBA Marketsquare tables Augsburg Fortress, table 6 Barbour Publishing, table 1 Copenhagen Publishing House, table 4 Josh McDowell Ministry, table 5 Thomas Nelson, table 2 Zondervan, table 3
Debut Avenue booths Ancient Essence, #da38 Be Salty, #da23 The Carpenter’s Woodshop, #da22 The Christmas Angel, TBD Coastline Imports, #da3 DVB New York, #da24 Earthwood, #da21 FaithViews, #da5 Fundex Games, #da6 Gifts and Talents, #da4 Heart on Your Sleeve Design, #da20 Heaven Sent Infant Wear (Miracle Maternity Wear), #da2 Intertech Marketing, #da26 Jeweled Cross Co., #da1 Keys to Prayer, #da8 PAJ dba Prime Art & Jewel, #da37 Poof-Slinky, #da19
CBA Marketsquare booths Abridge International, #ms14 Armour Publishing, #ms43 B&H International, #ms9 Baker Publishing Group, #ms46 Banner of Truth, #ms20 Barbour Publishing, #ms23 Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, #ms13 Bill Noller International Publishing, #ms26 Crossway Books & Bibles, #ms18 Destiny Image, #ms1 F.J. Rudy and Associates, #ms21 Gospel Literature International, #ms2 Great Value Books, #ms37 InterVarsity Press, USA, #ms3 InterVarsity Press, UK, #ms27 IPRINTING, #ms34 Life Publishers International, #ms5 LifeWay International, #ms31 Messianic Jewish Publishers, #ms35 Riggins International Rights Services, #ms29 Scandinavia Publishing House, #ms22 Thomas Nelson, #ms24 Tyndale House Publishers, #ms7 WingSpread Publishers, #ms36 Zondervan, #ms4 |