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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 08:20 AM America/New_York |
Presenting the themes, content and more to reach all ages in the 2014 VBS season ABINGDON PRESS
Methodist; Preschool/Kindergarten (ages 3-5), Younger Elementary (grades 1-3), Older Elementary (grades 4-6), Teen and Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so (Ps. 107:2a, NRSV). Theme/content: God has brought us a mighty long way, and it is always good to pause and praise the Lord! In many churches, there are points in worship wherein a testimony, a song or a sermon is just so good that it calls for a “praise break!” Starter kit contents: Worship DVD including an introduction video, music videos, movement instructionals and demonstrations, liturgical dance video and a mini-documentary; Director’s manual; Preschool/Kindergarten, Younger and Older Bible Story Leader Guides; Arts & Crafts Leader; Music & Movement Leader; Heritage & Drama Leader; Recipe Guide; Outreach/Follow-up Leader; Student Book Samples for Preschool/Kindergarten, Younger Elementary, Older Elementary and Teen; Music CD; one sample of each publicity and craft material: Craft Sticker Sheet, Promo Poster, Invitation Postcard, Leader Certificate, Student Certificate, Iron-On Transfer, Horse-and-Chariot Craft and Praise Break Chess Piece. Starter kit price: $74.99. Additional resources: Unique crafts; original songs. Previous users say: “Christ was proclaimed, people were reached, and everyone had a blast” (Paul Appleby, pastor, Central Christian Church, Columbus, Ga.).
Nondenominational; Toddler (ages 2-4), Pre-Primary (ages 4-6), Primary (ages 6-9), Junior (ages 9-12), Teen-Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: There is only one true God (1 Kin. 18); Our Three-in-One God (Matt. 3); The Great I AM (Ex. 3); The one true God provided the one true way of salvation through His one true Son Jesus Christ (Gospels); Love the one true God with everything you’ve got! (Mark 12). Theme/content: Special Agents learn to know, love and live for the one true God. Day 1, they’ll learn to detect false gods of counterfeit religions. Day 2, they’ll uncover our three-in-one God, the Trinity. Day 3, they’ll find out more about the Great I AM and some of His awesome attributes. Day 4, they’ll learn about the Creator who came to redeem us from our sin. Day 5, they’ll be encouraged to stay hot on the trail of the one true God and love Him with everything they’ve got! Starter kit contents: Director Guide; Assembly Guide; Craft Guide; Snack Guide; Game Guide; Junior Teacher Guide; Primary Teacher Guide; Pre-Primary Teacher Guide; Toddler Teacher Guide; one Student Guide for each age group; Promo & Recruitment DVD; Helper Handbook; Special Agent Handbook; How Can I Become a Child of God? booklet; passport. Starter kit price: $99.99 (Starter); $189.99 (Super Starter). Additional resources: Leader Guides; Student Guides; promotional materials; T-shirts; hat; music resources (contemporary or traditional versions); puppets; station signs; student resources; spy-type gear; decorating posters; gospel booklets; King James Version resources. Previous users say: “It was very easy to follow the teacher manuals, and they had wonderful variation in methods of presentation” (Bethanne W., VBS teacher). “Thank you, Answers VBS, for not remaining silent, but for having a loud voice for truth!” (Joni W.). “The material was totally solid and flowed really well” (Katie S.). “A well-organized, professional, energetic, Bible-based God-loving program” (Steve U.). “Some people say there are many gods, but there’s only one true God!” (Calvin M., age 6). “The teaching material was fantastic! The best yet!” (Kara S.). “All the kids loved this theme and had a lot of fun!” (Aimee O.). New for 2014: Science experiments; missions opportunity with Children’s Hunger Fund to provide Food Paks and gospel tracts to hungry children around the world.
Baptist; Preschool (ages 2-3), Kindergarten (ages 4-5), Beginner (Grades 1-2), Primary (Grades 3-4), Junior (Grades 5-6), Young Teen (Grades 7-9), Teen (Grades 10-12), Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: Judg. 6:1-16, 36-40; Ruth 1:14-17, 2:5-16, 3:10-11, 4:13-17; Neh. 4:1-23, 6:1-9; Acts 10:9-22, 34-43, 11:1-2, 12-18; Esth. 3:8-15, 4:1-17. Theme/content: Theme Verse: Luke 9:23: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Bible Lessons: Students will follow God’s trail in life by serving, following, living for, sharing and standing with their Savior, Jesus Christ. The five Bible lessons include Ridin’ Ready: Gideon was ready to serve when asked of God; Ridin’ Obedient: Ruth was obedient in following God; Ridin’ Faithful: Nehemiah was faithful when rebuilding the wall; Ridin’ Bold: Peter was bold when he reached out to the lost; and Ridin’ Courageous: Esther was courageous in the face of danger. Starter kit contents: Lesson and music DVD; songbook; music CD; music transparencies; craft book; game book; skits book; fun book; comic book; Trail Guide with stickers; theme stickers; achievement certificate; appreciation certificate; nametag; lanyard; plastic nametag holder; bulletin cover; doorknob hanger; publicity flyers; postcard; publicity poster; salvation tract; attendance chart with stickers; activity pages for Preschool, Kindergarten, Beginner, Primary and Junior; Student Books for Young Teen and Teen; Teacher Manuals and Visuals for Preschool-Teen and Adult Lessons; Director’s Plan Book with Resource CD; New Testament; bookmark; photo frame; daily crafts; Live-It! cards; bracelet; VBS pin; nylon drawstring backpack; bandana; pencil; tote bag; T-shirt; iron-on transfer; video posters; memory verse posters; Bible teaching posters; door banner; daily icon set; room decorations; transparencies. Starter kit price: $189.95. Additional resources: Triptych art; wall banners; community yard sign; vinyl banner; decoration set. New for 2014: Bracelet.
Evangelical (nondenominational); Preschool-Grade 5; five sessions; Main scriptures: Weekly theme: Matt. 7:7; Daily themes: Gen. 1-3, Num. 22-23, John 3:16, Acts 1-2. Theme/content: Scavenger hunt. Join Jeff Slaughter on this VBS adventure-filled scavenger hunt that begins at Matt. 7:7 and follows a scripture-packed path through Bible studies. Starter kit contents: Essential Kit: curriculum manual (director section, preschool, younger kids Bible study [grades K-2], older kids Bible study [grades 3-5]); Ultimate Scavenger Hunt DVD (includes song videos and choreography); Official Scavenger Hunt listening CD; name badge with lanyard. Ultimate Kit: includes all of the above with Ultimate Media Kit (DVD with songs and choreography, digital curriculum CD and digital media DVD with .MOV files and more), daily theme posters, station posters, promotional posters, official T-shirt. Starter kit price: Essential Kit: $69.99; Ultimate Kit: $189.99. Additional resources: Ancillary products: split-track performance CD; theme posters; name badges; nametag stickers; lanyards. New for 2014: Curriculum now available in Spanish; oversized themed wall poster; Backyard Bible Club edition included on the curriculum disc in the Ultimate Kit or downloadable at the website.
Methodist; Preschool/Kindergarten, Younger Elementary, Older Elementary, Teen, Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: “You are the God who works wonders” (Ps. 77:14a, CEB). Starter kit contents: Workshop of Wonders catalog access to free premium upgraded online registration tools available at; Director Guide; Preschool/Kindergarten Leader Guide; additional Leader Guides; sample copy of age-level Student Books for Preschool/Kindergarten, Younger Elementary and Older Elementary; complete music CD with PowerPoint slides, which includes two original preschool songs and samples of publicity and craft materials. Starter kit price: $89.99. Additional resources: Free outdoor banner with starter kit (if ordered by Dec. 31). Previous users say: “As a recreational leader, and also playing professional sports, I’m able to show these kids physical fitness, running around, exercising, warming up drills, warming up properly” (Van Tuinei, NFL professional recreation leader, First United Methodist Church, Noblesville, Ind.); “The flexibility of this is that you could do that for any size church. I think that you could take the curriculum and choose two or three different stories to fit, whether it be a weekend or just a three- or four-day VBS” (Laura Stinnett, director of children’s ministries, Asbury United Methodist Church, Little Rock, Ark.). New for 2014: 3-D Scripture Treasures; music videos filmed on location.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod; Preschool-Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: “I have called you by name, you are Mine” (Is. 43:1); “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation” (Ps. 25:5); “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1:7); “Jesus said, ‘Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid’ ” (Matt. 14:27); “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8). Theme/content: Gangway! Clear your schedule! Even the wind and the waves can’t keep kids away from this voyage. At Gangway to Galilee, kids visit exciting sites around the Sea of Galilee and discover how Jesus saves us now and eternally. Dare to make this an amazing grace adventure! Starter kit contents: Super Duper Director Guide with CD; Horizon Program Overview DVD; Gangway to Galilee Tote Bags (5-pack); Pastor Overview; Set Sails Music; Music Leader Guide; Opening/Closing Leader Pack with CD; Seashore Storytelling Leader Guide with CD; Bible Story Posters (5); Big Catch Bible Challenge Leader Guide with CD; Bible Memory Posters (5 unique); Splash-tacular Crafts Leader Pack; Sunrise Snacks Leader Pack; Sink or Swim Games Leader Guide; Fin-tastick Preschool Leader Guide with CD; Castaway Youth/Adult Bible Study Flyer; Casting Nets Mission Project Flyer; Offering Envelope; Publicity & Decorating Posters (3); Catch-O-Fish (25-pack); Publicity Postcards (24-pack); Publicity Poster; Craft Sampler Pack; Safe Harbor Sand Art Craft (12-pack); Seaside Boat Craft (12-pack); Fin-tastick Fish Craft (12-pack); iWitness Snap Bracelet (12-pack); My Savior Cross Craft (12-pack); Student Sampler Pack; Set Sail Passalong CD/DVD; High Tide Elementary Leaflets; All Aboard Preschool Leaflets; SOS Collectibles; Ship-shape Buffs, Group Identifiers; team nametags (10-pack). Starter kit price: $149.99. Additional resources: Leader resources; puppets; Student Guides; keepsakes; crafts; decorating resources; free online registration; publicity supplements; T-shirts. Previous users say: “I just want to affirm how fantastic this curriculum is! The Summit Storytelling is thorough and engaging. I especially appreciate the emphasis on finding and memorizing the Bible Code each day. Getting kids familiar with the Bible is crucial and your program definitely seeks to do that. Love the mountain theme as well! Every song and study is intentional and cohesive with the theme/story of the day. Thank you for all the hard work you put in. Our Savior and Waikoloa Lutheran Church will certainly enjoy our daily trips to the Summit!” (Janet, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Aiea, Hawaii); “Thank you for making this year’s VBS one filled with energy and fun. From the theme to the music to the stories, the program was well-written and easy to use. The PowerPoint slides made Base Camp a breeze and the supporting DVDs made the details of setting up and running Tell It VBS a joy to work with this year” (Pat); “We had a very successful VBS. We had wonderful volunteers and staff. Go Tell It on the Mountain was so fun to work with. We are still singing the songs. The best thing was we had some of the kids from last year. It was such an honor to be part of the program” (Dorothy, St. John Lutheran Church). New for 2014: Posters (14) now included in Starter Kit; how-to site videos (6) for volunteer training; Pastor’s Guide included in Starter Kit; more decorating how-to videos (14); more one-stop decorating shopping; more downloadable artwork.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod; Ages 3-14 and Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: Luke 19:28-40, 22:47-48, 23:32-56, 24:1-35; Acts 1:3-11. Theme/content: Jesus Comes as King; Jesus Conquers the Great Enemy: Sin; Jesus Breaks the Old Dominion of Death and Opens a New Kingdom of Life; Jesus Comes to us in His Word and Holy Communion; Jesus Brings His Kingdom Through His Word. Starter kit contents: Lesson plans for all age levels; lyrics and music for eight original songs in Spanish and English; invitations, flyers and attendance certificates; cut-outs; adult Bible studies; closing program; three sets of five color posters for each day’s Bible story; student worksheet samples for the three levels; one full-color promotional poster; multimedia CD with songs, accompaniment tracks, story narrations (only in Spanish) and PowerPoints. Starter kit price: $54.99 Spanish-Only Leader’s Pack; $59.99 Bilingual (English/Spanish) Leader’s Pack. Additional resources: Student worksheets; promotional posters; crafts; cardboard stand-up Jesus figure. New for 2014: Decorating option: cardboard stand-up Jesus figure.
Nondenominational; Preschool-Preteen; five-day, ten-day or other formats available in Director’s Planning; Main scriptures: Based on 1 Cor. 13. Children will learn more about how God’s love is shown through Jesus, as they move through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Session 1: Jesus Helps a Young Girl and a Sick Woman. Session 2: Jesus Forgives Zacchaeus. Session 3: Jesus Lives Forever. Theme/content: Visitors to SonTreasure Island are welcomed by the scent of exotic flowers, the taste of tropical fruits and the sound of island music. But this is no ordinary escape! There is treasure to be found here. More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all—God’s love! At SonTreasure Island, treasure seekers will play island games, create colorful crafts and enjoy tropical snacks. But more importantly, they will discover the rich treasure of God’s love through the life of Jesus. Starter kit contents: Deluxe Kit: Bible Story Center Guides for Primary-Preteen; Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide; sample pack of Student Guides; Bible Game Center Guide; Recreation & Snack Guide; Island Crafts for Kids; Assemblies & Skits Production Guide: Reproducible Resources with decorating instructions and patterns; Elementary Teaching Resources; Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Teaching Resources; Decorating Poster Pack; Director’s Planning Guide with CD; Reproducible Music CD; Preview DVD; Director’s sample pack. Starter kit price: $169.99 Deluxe Kit; $99.99 Reproducible Power Pack. Additional resources: Reproducible Power Pack, including two CDs and one DVD with resources for churches to print and email to VBS team members and families. Leaders’ Resources CD includes resources for the Assembly Leader, Bible Story Center, Bible Games Center Leader, Recreation and Snack Center Leader and Music Center Leader. Print them out or email the files to your leaders. Print out as many student guides as you like or send student guides to families via email. Print the posters in a smaller size, or send them to a local print shop to print in a larger format. Includes Primary-Preteen Bible Story Center Guides in PDF; Prekindergarten/Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide in PDF; Assemblies & Skits Production Guide in PDF with patterns in JPG; Skit Scripts for Promotional Skit, Assembly Skits, Closing Program & Bible Story Skits in PDF and RTF formats; Bible Games Center Guide in PDF; Recreation & Snack Center Guide in PDF; Daily Student Guides in five age levels PreK-Preteen in PDF; Bible story posters in JPG; Bible verse posters in JPG; Course logo & daily logos in JPG; Music Center activities, Song Word Charts, Piano Sheet Music and Song Motions in PDF; six SonTreasure songs and two preschool songs in MP3; Decorating & Crafts Everything for decorating, creating crafts and any other arts or graphics needs; Reproducible Resources in PDF with Patterns in JPG; clip art; Island Crafts for Kids craft book in PDF with patterns in JPG; Decorating Poster Pack in JPG; Assembly Resources Everything on Assemblies DVD, but formatted to be used with presentation software such as ProPresenter or Mediashout; humorous videos that introduce each session’s Bible story in MOV; music videos for each of the songs in MOV; Practice videos for the song motions in MOV; Bible story posters in JPG; Bible verse posters in JPG; course logo and daily logos in JPG. Previous users say: “I love everything about Gospel Light; from every aspect, the music, crafts, games, stories, all come together to get God’s message across for the children. The teachers and helpers love it also because the curriculum is so easy to use. It’s just an awesome and fun experience for all ages!” (Alice Mohn, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pennsylvania); Gospel Light’s VBS “never fails to deliver a strong biblical message, with all the bells and whistles that any church could ever use” (Erin Beal, Trinity Lutheran Church, Ohio);“Out of the approximately 50 children, there were 30 who either asked Jesus into their hearts for the first time or recommitted their prior experience” (Mary Macho, Canyon Hill Nazarene Church, Idaho). New for 2014: Reproducible Power Pack.
Nondenominational; Preschool-Preteen; three sessions; Main scriptures: Based on 1 Cor. 13, just as is full SonTreasure Island program (see above). Theme/content: Same as SonTreasure Island VBS (see above). Starter kit contents: Director’s Guide; Bible stories with creative storytelling techniques that tell how Jesus showed God’s amazing love when He was here on Earth; variety of activities that appeal to children’s many learning styles, including games, crafts, music and more; a Teacher & Parent Connection for each lesson that can be given to parents; reproducible CD that includes music and lesson materials ready to print or email (student guides, lessons ready to email, modifiable flyers, etc.); closing program for the worship time in your Sunday morning worship service. Starter kit price: $89.99. Additional resources: Reproducible CD includes music and lesson materials ready to print or email (student guides, lessons ready to email, modifiable flyers, etc.) Previous users say: “Gospel Light’s curriculum is so easy to follow. Plus, it is so biblically sound. I love it!” (Cyndi Young, Elam Baptist Church, Ga.); “It is director-friendly and teacher-friendly” (Sherry Watts, St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Kan.).
Interdenominational; Preschool-Youth; two two-and-a-half-hour sessions, plus a one-hour Sunday Celebration; Main scriptures: Day 1: Men bring their friend to Jesus for healing (Luke 5:17-6); Day 2: Jesus dies and comes back to life (Matt. 27:11-28:20). Theme/content: Countdown to the most fun weekend in the universe! As kids explore God’s infinite love, they’ll practice down-to-Earth ways to love each other. Starter kit contents: Director Resources: Director Go-To Manual; Blast Off Program Resources DVD; VBS P.R.O. Volunteer Resources; Music and More Leader Manual; Out-of-This-World Bible Adventures Leader Manual; Projects-With-a-Purpose Leader Manual; Have-a-Blast Games Leader Manual; Mission Sendoff Leader Manual; Blast Off Music Leader Version CD; Student Materials Sample Pack. Starter kit price: $67.99. Additional resources: Updates and resources at Previous users say: “The best part about Weekend VBS was the organization and pre-planning that was already done for me. It was so simple to use and we were able to customize it to our situation. I love that it was a three-day schedule.” (Heather Murphy, VBS director).
Interdenominational; Preschool-Adult (intergenerational); five sessions; Main scriptures: Day 1: The Israelites cross the Red Sea (Ex. 14:1-15:21); Day 2: God provides manna and quail (Ex. 16); Day 3: Israel defeats the Amalekites (Ex. 17:8-16); Day 4: Moses remembers Passover (Ex. 12:1-30); Day 5: God gives the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20). Theme/content: Caravan with Moses and the Israelites. Starter kit contents: Director Resources: Ultimate Director Go-To Guide; Ultimate Director Go-To Recruiting & Training DVD; Decorating Places: Wilderness Escape DVD; Wilderness Escape Clip Art & Resources CD; VBS P.R.O. Volunteer Resources; Publicity Poster; Publicity Samples; Bringing It Home: Family Faith-Builders Devotional; Volunteer Resources: Celebration Leader Manual; Israelite Camp Tent Host Manual; Moses’ Tent Leader Manual; Fun & Games Leader Manual; Celebration Music DVD; Celebration Leader Version CD; Israelite Tent Sample Pack; Student Resources Sample Pack. Starter kit price: $139.99. Additional resources: Updates and resources available at Previous users say: “We loved the Athens curriculum! We could teach whole families and they could enjoy the experience together. Everyone enjoyed the ‘living history’ format. Before the experience, we thought this was going to be for visiting children and their families. We were surprised by how it ended up being a faith-developing experience for adults and unsaved family/friends who were connected to our members. It was just plain fun!” (Amy Ellzey, VBS director). New for 2014: Only three trained Station Leaders (Celebration, Moses, Fun and Games); only three main stations to decorate; preschool-friendly options; smaller tribe sizes.
Interdenominational; Preschool-Youth; five sessions; Main scriptures: Day 1: Jesus heals 10 lepers (Luke 17:11-19); Day 2: Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan woman (John 4:1-30); Day 3: Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17); Day 4: Jesus dies and comes back to life (Luke 22:47–24:12); Day 5: Ananias bravely helps Saul (Acts 9:1-19). Theme/content: God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures—including you! When kids feel weird, different or even lost in a crowd, nothing compares to the unconditional love of Jesus. Starter kit contents: Director Resources: Weird Animals Ultimate Director Go-To Guide; Decorating Places: Weird Animals DVD; Weird Animals Clip Art & Resources CD; Weird Animals Ultimate Director Go-To Recruiting & Training DVD; VBS P.R.O. Volunteer Resources: Sing & Play Rock and The Tail End Leader Manual; KidVid Cinema Leader Manual; Imagination Station Leader Manual; One-of-a-Kind Bible Adventures Leader Manual; Critter Café Leader Manual; Untamed Games Leader Manual; Spotlight VBS Leader Manual; Ozzy’s Preschool Park Preschool Director Manual; Ozzy’s Preschool Park Bible Adventures and Missions Leader Manual; Ozzy’s Preschool Park Games Leader Manual; Ozzy’s Preschool Park Preschool KidVid Cinema Leader Manual; Ozzy’s Preschool Park Craft & Play Leader Manual; Weird Animals Sing & Play Music Leader Version two-CD Set; Weird Animals Sing & Play Music DVD; KidVid Stories DVD; Student Resources: Bible Memory Buddies set (5); Bible band (elementary); Ozzy’s Bible book (preschool); Watch for God wristband; name badge; iron-on transfer; Follow-Up Foto Frame; Imagination Station samples. Starter kit price: $169.99. Additional resources: Updates and resources available at Previous users say: “Group gives you the recipe and the resources you need to do VBS. Its so simple yet so profound at the same time. Easy to put together, full of energy, the kids stay connected, and every step is so completely intentionally done” (Lisa Jost, VBS director). New for 2014: KidVid Cinema; Weird Animals Bible Memory Buddy app.
Baptist; Babies-Adults; five sessions; Main scriptures: “But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Ptr. 3:15, HCSB) Theme/content: Trace it back to just the facts! The evidence is clear. The proof is all right here! Come discover, decide and defend the truth about who Jesus really is at Agency D3. Starter kit contents: Administrative Guide for directors; Decorating Made Easy; Music for Kids CD; Takin’ It Home CD; One Kid’s Evidence Kit: Grades 1–6; special agent carabiner; special agent rearview sunglasses; catalog; Jump Start poster; promotional DVD; Director’s badge (only in Jump Start Kit). Starter kit price: $34.95 Jump Start Kit; $99.99 Kids and Preschool Starter Kits. Additional resources: Kids Starter Kit $99.99; Preschool Starter Kit $99.99. New for 2014: Jump Start Kit; Kids Starter Kit; Preschool Starter Kit; Takin’ It Home CD.
Nondenominational; ages 6-12; five sessions; Main scriptures: “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you’ ” (Jer. 29:11-12, NIV). Theme/content: MEGA Sports Camp is a sports outreach that teams Bible truths with sports skills. Kids pick from basketball, soccer, cheerleading, baseball or football. Daily themes are Strategize, Prepare, Launch, Win and Persist. Daily Bible stories are derived from the life of Moses. Starter kit contents: Director Guide; poster pack; Director DVD & CD; Art CD; Rally Guide (large group/worship time); music and media DVD and CD; Coach Huddle Guide (small group time); sports playbooks for cheerleading, basketball and soccer (flag football and baseball optional); Sports Flash (kids’ take-home); Theme Keepers for kids; Welcome to Holsom: Adventures in Faith (salvation/discipleship piece); T-shirt; sports bottle; magnetic photo frame. Starter kit price: $129.99. Additional resources: T-shirts; iron-ons; carabiners; water bottle. Previous users say: “In the five years we have done MEGA Sports Camp, we have become completely purposeful in reaching our community. We are able to promote the program in public schools and 95% of our enrollment are community kids, not ‘churched.’ ”
Baptist; Age 2-Adult; five sessions; Main scriptures: Theme verse: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105). Theme/content: Arrow Island is full of tropical habitats just waiting to be explored! Each day, students will start off at their base camp for a time of worship and singing. Throughout the day, they’ll play games at Rolling River Rapids, make crafts in Misty View Gardens and enjoy tropical snacks at Signal Rock. They’ll even get to meet Jimmy, his friends and Feathers—the last of the Booki Booki birds. Most importantly, Shady Cove Trail will lead students to five locations around the island, where they’ll learn about people in the Bible who faced a decision—whether or not to choose God’s way. Arrow Island: Choosing God’s Way shows students the importance of choosing obedience, godly friends, kindness, courage and active faith. This VBS will provide biblical examples that equip students to choose God’s way in every detail of their lives. Memory verses are: John 14:15 (Focus: God wants people to obey Him out of love.); John 15:12; (Focus: God wants us to choose good friends who will help us live for Him.); Eph. 4:32 (Focus: God wants us to be kind and forgiving even when people are not kind to us.); Deut. 31:6 (Focus: God wants us to be true to Him regardless of what other people do.); Col. 3:23 (Focus: God wants us to serve Him with our whole heart.). Starter kit contents: Director’s Guide; Director’s Resource CD Set; Thank-you Card; Teacher Books (2s & 3s—Youth); Student Activity Sheets (2s & 3s—Junior); Youth Handbook; Adult Bible Study (5 Decisions That Changed the World); salvation poster; gospel bookmark; salvation tracts (5); Welcome to the Family, Family Fun sheet; Operation Bangladesh Mission Offering poster; jumbo theme poster; theme poster; invitation flyer; doorknob hanger; postcard; bulletin cover; craft ideas book; monkey photo frame; alligator key chain; music CD; attendance chart; nametag; registration card; Arrow Island pass; backpack; pouch; sticker sheet; theme balloon; theme button; logo sticker; iron-on transfer; sticky notepad; island gummy treats; lizard pencil; frog squirt; inflatable monkey; monkey take-home bags; catalog; promotional DVD. Starter kit price: $89.99; net 120 days and up to 35% off with purchase of a package deal by Dec. 31. For details, see the VBS Retailer’s Guide at Additional resources: Evangelism; decorations; promotions; crafts; gifts, awards and more; games; snacks; attendance; puppet resources; teaching resources. Operation Bangladesh: Reaching Children for Christ is the 2014 VBS Mission Offering Project option. Previous users say: “CEF is pleased to once again endorse Regular Baptist Press’ VBS curriculum for 2014. We continue to be encouraged by the strong biblical content and gospel presentations of Regular Baptist Press material and encourage you or any of your partnering churches to use their material for your VBSs” (Rev. Moises Esteves, vice president, USA Ministries, Child Evangelism Fellowship). New for 2014: New games and snacks product categories.
All denominations; Preschool-Teen with Adult option; five sessions; Main scriptures: Day 1: Gen. 1; Day 2: 1 Kin. 17; Day 3: Dan. 6; Day 4: John 3, 19, 20; Day 5: John 14, Rev. 1, 4, 21, 22. Theme/content: Jungle Safari: Where Kids Explore the Nature of God. God is Creator. God is Provider. God is Protector. God is Savior. God is King. Starter kit contents: Director’s Guide binder; Planning and Music six-disc set, including Planning & Missions DVD with program overview and missions segments, music video DVD with new music from Yancy, music CD, Opening & Closing CD, Exportable Media DVD (MP3s and MP4s) with all files needed to download for presentation software and Decorating & Publicity CD; Age-Level Resources three-disc set, including Preschool CD (PDF of preschool section of Director’s Guide, additional files referenced in the guide, plus audio and print files for teaching preschoolers), Elementary and Preteen CD (PDF of Director’s Guide, additional files referenced in the Director’s Guide, plus digital files for all leaders’ guides and cards), Teen CD (audio, video and print files referenced in Leader’s Guide—Teen); Leaders’ Guides for Sites; one of each age-level Student Book; Decorating Pack and Guide; Bible Story poster pack; Daily Theme poster pack; Site Names poster pack; Missions poster pack; samples. Starter kit price: $199.99. Additional resources: Age-level student books; Jungle Bible Pals by Floppets; promotional helps; decorating items; stickers and other themed items. Previous users say: “We conducted our VBS in late June this year with the theme of God’s Backyard Bible Camp. We had several neighborhood kids there all week, and would never have expected the story that would follow for one family. Two weeks after VBS, a house fire would claim the lives of five family members in our community. The mother, two teens and two children would lose their lives in that fire. The two children, along with one teen brother, were involved with our VBS each night. Although they never attended on Sundays, we could always count on them being around at VBS. You always wonder what impact you have on the kids and if they learned from the lessons, crafts and songs. As I met with this family to plan their memorial service, an aunt commented on how Emily was singing ‘God’s Big Backyard’ all the way home from a camping trip four days before the accident. It was a seed that God planted in her heart, and now she is experiencing the greatness of God’s backyard in heaven.” New for 2014: Friendly adaptations for special needs; Service & Missions Site; Crafts & Music Site; missions curriculum from Beth Guckenberger (Back2Back Ministries); music by Yancy.
All; Preschool-Adult; ten sessions; Main scriptures: “God … invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor. 1:9, LB). Theme/content: The Jesus Connection encourages character-building qualities such as purity, trust, Christian service and loyalty, and teaches students how to live in fellowship with Jesus. Lessons integrate being connected to Jesus through print, digital and social media. Starter kit contents: Cross body bag; student and teacher books for preschool, primary, junior and teens; sample adult lesson; planning DVD; theme song; movie; water bottle; neon shoe laces; glow sticks; puzzle; word search game; sunglasses; theme poster; wristband; catalog; order form and more. Starter kit price: $79.99. Additional resources: Adult curriculum; crafts; music CD; outdoor banner; publicity items; VBS T-shirts; baseball cap; Bible storybook; Bible verse posters; application posters; nametags; certificates; ABCs of Salvation; class record books; attendance charts. Previous users say: “The lessons were great! This was the most spiritual VBS that I have taught. One of the students said she really enjoyed VBS and that I was the best teacher ever!” New for 2014: |