Christian Retailing

Pay what you want for Chris Sligh Print Email
Written by Staff   
Wednesday, 25 March 2009 05:47 PM America/New_York
altFollowing the lead of Keith Green, Carman and church potlucks everywhere, new artist and former American Idol contestant Chris Sligh's upcoming tour concerts will allow listeners a chance to pay what they can for a night of Christian music.

“The Stimulus Package” tour, kicking off in the fall with Aaron Shust, will open doors to listeners for a suggested donation of $10 but encourage them to give what they can. The artists won't have a guarantee but will take the financial risks themselves. Is it a sign of the times that tours like Slighs and NewSong's WinterJam tours  (which also do a $10 at the door) offer flexible and/or optional pricing?

As a retailer, insider or Christian music listener, what do you think? Will most attendees give the suggested $10 or less or more?  Is it a return to the roots of Christian music or a clever marketing strategy?