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Author Corner: Who is the most influential person in your writing career? |
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Written by Felicia Abraham |
Tuesday, 12 October 2010 04:55 PM America/New_York |
Carolyne Aarsen {flv}Author Corner FLV/Carolyne Aarsen 4{/flv} Rick Acker{flv}Author Corner FLV/Rick Acker 4{/flv} Eric Alexander{flv}2011-Eric-Alexander-MostInfluential{/flv} Hannah Alexander (Cheryl Hodde) {flv}Author Corner FLV/Hannah Alexander (Cheryl Hodde) 4{/flv} Tamera Alexander{flv}tameraalexander4{/flv} Christa Allan{flv}Author Corner FLV/Christa Allan 4{/flv} Jennifer Allee {flv}Author Corner FLV/Jennifer Allee 4{/flv} Mesu Andrews{flv}mesuandrews4{/flv} Alice K. Arenz{flv}Author Corner FLV/Alice K. Arenz 4{/flv} Diane Ashley{flv}Author Corner FLV/Diane Ashley 4{/flv} Karen Ball{flv}karenball4{/flv} Christina Berry{flv}Author Corner FLV/Christina Berry 4{/flv} Pamela Binnings Ewen{flv}Author Corner FLV/Pamela Binnings Ewen 4{/flv} Terri Blackstock{flv}Author Corner FLV/Terri Blackstock 4{/flv} Angie Breidenbach{flv}Author Corner FLV/Angie Breidenbach 4{/flv} Sandra D. Bricker{flv}Author Corner FLV/SandraDBricker-Influentialpeople{/flv} Wanda Brunstetter{flv}Author Corner FLV/Brunstetter-influential{/flv} Linore Rose Burkard{flv}Author Corner FLV/Linore Rose Burkard 4{/flv} Barbara Cameron{flv}Author Corner FLV/Barbara Cameron 4{/flv} Candace Calvert{flv}Author Corner FLV/Candace Calvert 4{/flv} Robin Caroll{flv}robincarroll4{/flv} Julie Cave{flv}Julie-cave-Most-Influential-Person{/flv} Ramona Cecil{flv}Author Corner FLV/Ramona Cecil 4{/flv} Vanetta Chapman{flv}Author Corner FLV/Vanetta Chapman 4{/flv} Brandilyn Collins{flv}brandilyncollins4{/flv} Mary Connealy{flv}Author Corner FLV/Mary Connealy 4{/flv} Liz Curtis Higgs{flv}lizcurtishiggs4{/flv} Margaret Daley{flv}Author Corner FLV/Margaret Daley 4{/flv} Annalisa Daughety{flv}Author Corner FLV/Annalisa Daughety 4{/flv} Mary DeMuth{flv}marydemuth4{/flv} Melanie Dickerson{flv}Author Corner FLV/Melanie Dickerson 4{/flv} Brandt Dodson{flv}Author Corner FLV/Brandt Dodson 4{/flv} Lena Nelson Dooley{flv}Author Corner FLV/Lena Nelson Dooley 4{/flv} Laurie Alice Eakes{flv}Author Corner FLV/Laurie Alice Eakes 4{/flv} Lynette Easton{flv}lynetteeaston4{/flv} Meredith Efken{flv}Author Corner FLV/Meredith Efken 4{/flv} Leanna Ellis{flv}Author Corner FLV/Leanna Ellis 4{/flv} Mary Ellis{flv}maryellis4{/flv} Ann Gabhart{flv}Author Corner FLV/Ann Gabhart 4{/flv} Jeff Gerke{flv}Author Corner FLV/Jeff Gerke 4{/flv} Debby Giusti{flv}debbygiusti4{/flv} Elizabeth Goddard{flv}Author Corner FLV/Elizabeth Goddard 4{/flv} Eleanor Gustafson{flv}Author Corner FLV/Eleanor Gustafson 4{/flv} Audra Harders{flv}AudraHarders4{/flv} Rachel Hauck{flv}Author Corner FLV/Rachel Hauck 4{/flv} Kristen Heitzmann{flv}kristenheitzmann4{/flv} T.L. Higley{flv}tlhigley4{/flv} Anita Higman{flv}AnitaHigman4{/flv} J.M. Hochstetler{flv}Author Corner FLV/J.M. Hochstetler 4{/flv} Denise Hunter{flv}denisehunter4{/flv} Jenny B. Jones{flv}jennybjones4{/flv} Bruce Judisch{flv}brucejudisch4{/flv} Deborah Kinnard{flv}debkinnard4{/flv} Ronie Kendig{flv}Author Corner FLV/Ronie Kendrig 4{/flv} Harry Kraus{flv}Author Corner FLV/Harry Kraus 4{/flv} C.S. (Susanne) Lakin{flv}Author Corner FLV/C.S. (Susanne) Lakin 4{/flv} Patti Lacy{flv}Author Corner FLV/Patti Lacy 4{/flv} Maureen Lang{flv}Author Corner FLV/Maureen Lang 4{/flv} Julie Lessman{flv}Author Corner FLV/Julie Lessman 4{/flv} Loree Lough{flv}loreelough4{/flv} Beth Loughner{flv}Author Corner FLVBeth Loughner 4{/flv} Cathy Liggett{flv}Author Corner FLV/Cathy Liggett 4{/flv} Kathi Lipp{flv}Author Corner FLV/Kathi Lipp 4{/flv} Dorothy Love{flv}dorothylove4{/flv} Richard Mabry {flv}Author Corner FLV/Richard Mabry 4{/flv} Shar MacLaren{flv}Author Corner FLV/Shar MacLaren 4{/flv} Joyce Magnin{flv}Author Corner FLV/Joyce Magnin 4{/flv} Hillary Manton Lodge {flv}Author Corner FLV/Hillary Manton Lodge 4{/flv} Debby Mayne{flv}debbymayne4{/flv} Aaron McCarver{flv}Author Corner FLV/Aaron McCarver 4{/flv} Rose McCauley{flv}rosemccauley4{/flv} Vickie McDonough{flv}Author Corner FLV/Vickie McDonough 4{/flv} Henry McLaughlin{flv}henrymclaughlin4{/flv} Becky Melby{flv}beckymelby4{/flv} Dineen Miller{flv}Author Corner FLV/Dineen Miller 4{/flv} Vanessa Miller{flv}Author Corner FLV/Vanessa Miller 4{/flv} DiAnn Mills{flv}dianmills4{/flv} Meg Moseley{flv}megmoseley4{/flv} Shellie Neumeier{flv}shellieneumeier4{/flv} Susan Page Davis{flv}susanpagedavis4{/flv} Trish Perry{flv}trishperry4{/flv} Tracie Peterson{flv}Author Corner FLV/Tracie Peterson 4{/flv} Allie Pleiter{flv}Author Corner FLV/Allie Pleiter 4{/flv} Cara Putnam{flv}Author Corner FLV/Cara Putnam 4{/flv} Rachael Phillips{flv}Author Corner FLV/Rachael Phillips 4{/flv} Deborah Raney {flv}Author Corner FLV/Deborah Raney 4{/flv} Cheryl Ricker{flv}Author Corner FLV/Cheryl Ricker 4{/flv} Martha Rogers {flv}Author Corner FLV/Martha Rogers 4{/flv} Gayle Roper {flv}Author Corner FLV/Gayle Roper 4{/flv} Cynthia Ruchti{flv}Author Corner FLV/Cynthia Ruchti 4{/flv} James Rubart{flv}Author Corner FLV/James Rubart 4{/flv} Cynthia Ruchti{flv}cynthiaruchti4{/flv} Gail Sattler{flv}gailsattler4{/flv} Kim Vogel Sawyer{flv}Author Corner FLV/Kim Vogel Sawyer 4{/flv} James Scott Bell {flv}Author Corner FLV/James Scott Bell 4{/flv} Ann Shorey{flv}Author Corner FLV/Ann Shorey 4{/flv} Pat Simmons{flv}Author Corner FLV/Pat Simmons 4{/flv} Jill Eileen Smith{flv}Author Corner FLV/Jill Eileen Smith 4{/flv} Virginia Smith{flv}Author Corner FLV/Virginia Smith 4{/flv} Lynette Sowell {flv}Author Corner FLV/Lynette Sowell 4{/flv} Lee StanleyCarla Stewart{flv}Author Corner FLV/Carla Stewart 4{/flv} Mags Storey{flv}Author Corner FLV/Mags Storey 4{/flv} Michelle Sutton{flv}Author Corner FLV/Michelle Sutton 4{/flv} Camy Tang{flv}Author Corner FLV/Camy Tang 4{/flv} Donn Taylor{flv}Author Corner FLV/Donn Taylor 4{/flv} Janice Thompson{flv}janicethompson4{/flv} Carrie Turansky{flv}Author Corner FLV/Carrie Turansky 4{/flv} Jennifer Hudson Taylor{flv}Author Corner FLV/Jennifer Hudson Taylor 4{/flv} Shannon Vannatter{flv}shannonvannatter4{/flv} Erica Vetsch{flv}Author Corner FLV/Erica Vetsch 4{/flv} Deborah Vogts{flv}Author Corner FLV/Deborah Vogts 4{/flv} Dan Walsh{flv}danwalsh4{/flv} Roseanna White{flv}roseannawhite4{/flv} Kit Wilkinson{flv}Author Corner FLV/Kit Wilkinson 4{/flv} Lisa Wingate{flv}Author Corner FLV/Lisa Wingate 4{/flv} Beth Wiseman{flv}bethwiseman4{/flv} Cindy Woodsmall{flv}Author Corner FLV/Cindy Woodsmall 4{/flv} Lenora Worth{flv}leonoraworth4{/flv} Kathleen Y'Barbo Turner{flv}kathleenybarboturner4{/flv}
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