May-October 2009 releases - Bible reference
1 Samuel Thru 2 Kings- Dr. Tremper Longman, ed.
- Barbour Publishing
- 978-1-597-89769-3
- softcover, $9.97, August
- for pastors, laypersons
- An accessible reference that aids Sunday school preparation on the books of 1 Samuel through 2 Kings. From the “Quicknotes Simplified Bible Commentary Series.”
Biblical Literacy: The Essential Bible Stories Everyone Needs to Know - Timothy Beal
- HarperOne
- 978-0-061-71862-5
- hardcover, $25.99, Aug. 12
- for Bible study groups, laypeople, college and high school students
- Beal offers a one-stop course on Bible stories and background information of the Bible in the tradition of Stephen Prothero’s Religious Literacy.
Called to Worship- Vernon M. Whaley
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-51958-2
- hardcover, $24.99, June 9
- for laypersons, worship leaders, pastors
- Lays out the biblical foundations of worship from Genesis through Revelation.
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary Volume 15: 1-2 Corinthians - William Baker, Ralph Martin & Carl N. Toney
- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-842-38343-1
- hardcover, $29.99, August
- for students, pastors, laypersons
- Presents a message for each passage and overview of other issues relevant to the Scripture text.
- Ezekiel
- Robert Jenson
- Baker Academic/Baker Publishing Group
- 978-1-587-43166-1
- hardcover, $32.99, May
- for pastors, students, laypersons
- This new volume in the “Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible” series offers a theological exegesis of Ezekiel.
HarperCollins Bible Dictionary: Condensed Edition - Mark Allan Powell, gen. ed.
- HarperOne
- 978-0-061-46907-7
- softcover, $19.99, July 15
- for pastors, teachers, seminary students, Bible study groups
- This condensed edition of the acclaimed Bible dictionary includes important names, places and subjects that make Bible study come to life.
Jesus, The Middle Eastern Storyteller - Gary M. Burge
- Zondervan
- 978-0-310-28045-3
- softcover, $14.99, August
- for pastors, laypersons
- Burge's illustrated guide shows in everyday terms how the customs, literature and values of the ancient world can inform and grow one's faith in today’s digital age.
Matthew- Grant R. Osborne
- Zondervan
- 978-0-310-24357-1
- hardcover, $24.99, October
- for pastors
- Features graphic representations of translations and summaries of main ideas, in addition to exegetical outlines and explanations of the text.
Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook: 2010 Edition- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54150-7
- softcover, $24.99, Aug. 11
- for pastors
- An entire year's collection of preaching and worship resources, including sermon ideas, creative outlines, illustrations and a supplemental CD-ROM.
- NLT Study Series: Genesis NLTse
- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32199-8
- softcover, $8.99, September
- for laypersons
- NLT Study Series: James NLTse
- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32197-4
- softcover, $7.99, September
- for laypersons
- NLT Study Series: John NLTse
- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32196-7
- softcover, $7.99, September
- for laypersons
- NLT Study Series: Romans NLTse
- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32198-1
- softcover, $7.99, September
- for laypersons
- QuickNotes Complete New Testament Commentary Set
- Barbour Publishing
- 978-1-602-60479-7
- boxed set, $39.97, October
- for pastors, laypersons
- This user-friendly, five-volume “QuickNotes” set covers the entire New Testament.
The Bible and the Land- Gary M. Burge
- Zondervan
- 978-0-310-28044-6
- softcover, $14.99, August
- for pastors, laypersons
- Burge offers an exploration of the world of the Bible and how its land, culture and traditions contribute to a unique understanding of a life with God. Insights into numerous passages reveal the cultural assumptions behind biblical stories.
The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical Thought World of the New Testament, Volume 1, The Individual Witnesses - Ben Witherington III
- IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press
- 978-0-830-83861-5
- hardcover, $50, September
- for pastors, students
- The first of two books in a series from New Testament scholar Witherington offers a comprehensive overview of the theological and ethical thought world of the New Testament. This volume focuses on expositional samplings of the theology and ethics of New Testament writers in context and closely examines the interrelations between New Testament theology and ethics.
The Indispensable Guide to Practically Everything: Bible Prophecy and End Times - Douglas Connelly
- GuidepostsBooks
- 978-0-824-94772-9
- softcover, $15.99, July 15
- for laypersons
- Facts about the Bible's view of the future, rapture, the Antichrist, false prophecy, Armageddon, judgment and more.
The Indispensable Guide to Practically Everything: Life After Death & Heaven and Hell - Bryan McAnally
- GuidepostsBooks
- 978-0-824-94773-6
- softcover, $15.99, July 15
- for laypersons
- The Bible's teachings on the hope of heaven, reality of hell, angels, myths and answers to common questions.
The Smart Guide to the Bible: 1 & 2 Corinthians - Dewey Bertolini and Larry Richards, Ph.D.
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-51013-8
- softcover, $14.99, May 5
- for laypersons, Bible students
- Paul’s letters teach readers how to deal with conflict, find meaning in suffering, use spiritual gifts and more.
The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Life of Solomon - Angie Peters and Larry Richards, Ph.D.
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-51012-1
- softcover, $14.99, May 5
- for laypersons, Bible students
- Life lessons from Solomon teach that choices matter and that God is ready to answer every request.
The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible: Revised Full-Color Edition- Merrill C. Tenney, gen. ed.
- Zondervan
- 978-0-310-24136-2
- hardcover, $279.99, October
- for pastors, students, laypersons
- This revised, five-volume edition provides up-to-date entries based on the latest scholarship, supplemented by full-color pictures. Different viewpoints of scholarship permit a rounded perspective on significant issues relating to doctrines, themes and biblical interpretation.
Word Biblical Commentary #40: 2 Corinthians Revised - Ralph P. Martin
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-50773-2
- hardcover, $49.99, July 14
- for serious/advanced students of the Bible
- Addresses the scholarly questions about the text of the epistle and the significance of Paul’s thought for Christian living and ministry.
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Set - John H. Walton, gen. ed.
- Zondervan
- 978-0-310-25572-7
- hardcover, $249.95, October
- for pastors, students, laypersons
- Series brings to life the world of the Old Testament through informative entries and full-color photos and graphics.
- Bible Study
- Christian Living
Abiding in Christ- J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom
- 978-0-830-83125-8
- softcover, $8, July
- for adults
- A study of Jesus' farewell to Hs disciples in John 14-17 helps readers discover what it means to abide in Christ today as they await His second coming.
Advent of the Savior - IVP Connect/InterVarsity Press
- 978-0-830-83136-4
- softcover, $8, July
- for adults
- Six studies introduce readers to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind of God's faithfulness and power to fulfill His promises, and draw the reader more deeply into the love that brought Christ to Earth.
Fascinating People of the Bible - Barbour Publishing
- 978-1-602-60454-4
- softcover, $9.97, September
- for anyone
- Explores educational aspects of characters of the Bible.
Following Jesus- Douglas Connelly
- IVP Connect/InterVarsity Press
- 978-0-830-83135-7
- softcover, $8, July
- for adults
- Explores metaphors for how believers become more spiritually mature in Christ such as running a race, carrying a cross, constructing a building and fighting a battle.
Learning to Hear God - Jan Johnson
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06660-3
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for adults
- God desires a relationship with His children, and relationships involve communication. This retreat guide encourages readers to rest quietly in His arms and listen for His words of love. Ideal for one- or three-day personal or group retreats.
Living in the Companionship of God - Jan Johnson
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06659-7
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for adults
- This retreat guide can help direct readers' thoughts to the underlying needs of their souls. Ideal for one- or three-day personal or group retreats.
N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides - N.T. Wright
- IVP Connect/InterVarsity Press
- 978-0-830-82180-8
- softcover, $70, July
- for adults
- For groups or daily personal reflection, these studies use the inductive method combined with Wright's thoughtful insights to bring about contemporary application of Scripture. The set includes Colossians & Philemon, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, John, Mark, Matthew, Philippians and Romans.
Set Apart: A 6-Week Study of the Beatitudes - New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69263-3
- softcover, $14.99, Sept. 1
- for adult Christians and education/discipleship ministers
- This six-week study examines the promise of blessedness in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount.
Trusting God in Everything, Psalm 23- Jan Johnson
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06661-0
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for adults
- This guide is designed for a one- or three-day personal or group retreat.
Walk Thru the Bible Discussion Guides - Baker Books/Baker Publishing Group
- 978-0-801-07167-6
- softcover, $7.99, August
- for small groups
- Walk Thru the Bible is launching its own small group Bible study series that will uncover the richness of the Scriptures.
- What on Earth Should We Do? Participant's Guide
- David Jeremiah
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54291-7
- softcover, $9.99, Oct. 6
- for small groups, Bible studies, churches
- Gives the author's instructions for living confident lives in a world filled with chaos and crisis. DVD study also available.
- Faith
God According to God: A Physicist Proves We've Been Wrong About God All Along - Gerald L. Schroeder
- HarperOne
- 978-0-061-71015-5
- hardcover, $25.99, May 6
- for pastors, laypersons, Bible study groups, college students
- The scientist and author of The Hidden Face of God presents a new paradigm of how to understand God.
- Family/Parenting
- Becoming God's Champion
- Harvest House Publishers
- 978-0-736-92594-5
- softcover, $9.99, July
- for ages 8-12
Young readers join Max, Molly and Sam, the wonder-sleuth Beagle, and discover how to be champions for God. During an Olympic summer camp, they explore 2 Timothy.
- Daniel's Diary
- Harvest House Publishers
- 978-0-736-92544-0
- hardcover, $14.99, June
- for children
A retelling of Daniel’s story from the Bible in diary form for kids. Clever art, contemporary language and kid-friendly humor express the adventure of trusting God’s will, praying faithfully and praising God in all circumstances.
- New Testament
- 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus
- Paul M. Zehr
- Herald Press
- 978-0-836-19492-0
- kivar, $29.99, Sept. 22
- for pastors
- Part of the “Believers Church Bible Commentary Series.”
Embracing God's Grace- Elizabeth George
- Harvest House Publishers
- 978-0-736-91246-4
- softcover, $8.99, July
- for adults
- Focusing on Colossians and Philemon, readers learn to embrace God's grace. In 25 lessons, they are encouraged to put away their sin natures, develop compassion and the fruit of the Spirit, draw on Paul’s zeal to energize their spiritual walks, avoid false teachings and share God’s love with others.
Life Application Bible Studies: Galatians & Ephesians - Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32644-3
- softcover, $7.99, June
- for laypersons
Life Application Bible Studies: Matthew- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32647-4
- softcover, $7.99, June
- for laypersons
- Includes thought-provoking questions in complete lesson format and extensive commentary. Uses the New Living Translation text.
Life Application Bible Studies: Philippians & Colossians- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32645-0
- softcover, $7.99, June
- for laypersons
- Includes thought-provoking questions in complete lesson format and extensive commentary. Uses the New Living Translation text.
Life Application Bible Studies: Revelation- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32646-7
- softcover, $7.99, June
- for laypersons
- Includes thought-provoking questions in complete lesson format and extensive commentary. Uses the New Living Translation text.
Life Application Bible Studies: Romans- Tyndale House Publishers
- 978-1-414-32563-7
- softcover, $7.99, June
- for laypersons
- Includes thought-provoking questions in complete lesson format and extensive commentary. Uses the New Living Translation text.
The Key to Living by Faith- Kay Arthur and Pete De Lacy
- Harvest House Publishers
- 978-0-736-92306-4
- softcover, $7.99, September
- for adults
The “New Inductive Study Series” helps readers discover God’s precepts and promises in each book of the Bible. This study of Hebrews offers tools for readers to understand and rely on Jesus’ faithfulness and provision in every situation. Useful for individual or group study.
- Old Testament
Isaiah- Ivan D. Friesen
- Herald Press
- 978-0-836-19440-1
- kivar, $29.99, June 9
- for pastors
- Explores how the interpretation of Isaiah is lived out today. From the “Believers Church Bible Commentary Series.”
Spirit-Filled Life Study Guide Series: Genesis: Promises and Beginnings - Jack W. Hayford
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54119-4
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 1
- for small groups, Bible students
- Study of God’s plan and promise for mankind.
The Restoration of a Sinner - John MacArthur
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-53405-9
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 1
- for small groups, Bible students
- MacArthur study of David’s rise from shepherd to king, his fall into sin and his eventual redemption.
- Spiritual Warfare
- Life Principles Study Series: Overcoming the Enemy
- Charles Stanley
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54116-3
- softcover, $9.99, June 30
- for small groups, Bible students
- Explores the weapons believers need to fight the enemy for victorious living.
- Women
A Different Kind of Wild: Is Your Faith Too Tame?- Debbie Alsdorf
- Revell/Baker Publishing Group
- 978-0-800-73366-7
- softcover, $12.99, July
- for women
- Alsdorf wants women to begin living the life of adventurous faith God intended.
An Undivided Heart - Rita J. Platt
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06388-6
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for women
- Through interaction with Scripture, personal stories, reflective exercises and spiritual disciplines, readers will be encouraged to become more fully wed to Jesus.
Becoming a Woman of Simplicity - Cynthia Heald
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06663-4
- softcover, $9.99, July 15
- for women
- Offers practical, real-life counsel to today’s busy women who long to relax, refocus and re-engage life with the quiet confidence God intended. From the “Becoming a Woman of … ” series.
- Cherished: Discovering the Freedom to Love and Be Loved
- Chandra Peele
- New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69250-3
- softcover, $14.99, Aug. 3
- for youth, women
- Readers will mine God's Word in a six-week journey to real freedom.
Chosen and Cherished: Becoming the Bride of Christ - Edna Ellison, Joy Browa and Kimberly Sowell
- New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69271-8
- softcover, $8.99, June 1
- for women and ministers of education
- Readers will learn about the concept of being the bride of Christ.
- Face-to-Face With Mary and Martha: Sisters in Christ
- Janet Thompson
- New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69254-1
- softcover, $8.99, June 1
- for women and ministers of education
- In studying the lives of Mary and Martha of Bethany, women learn to embrace their diversity as sisters in Christ.
- Face-to-Face With Naomi and Ruth: Together for the Journey
- Janet Thompson
- New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69253-4
- softcover, $8.99, June 1
- for women and ministers of education
- Through this interactive study, women will discover the power of committing to one another for the journey of faith.
I Am His- Rita J. Platt
- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06387-9
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for women
- Through personal stories, creative interaction with Scripture, quiet reflection and guided responses, this study invites women to know the comfort of dwelling in the arms of a tender, wise and powerful Abba Father.
- Into the Waters
- Rita J. Platt
- NavPress
- softcover, $9.99, Sept. 15
- for women
- This study invites women to connect with the Holy Spirit through interaction with Scripture, personal stories, reflective exercises and spiritual disciplines.
Passport to Prayer: A Journey of Compassion- Amber & Mike Van Schooneveld
- Group Publishing
- 978-0-764-43840-0
- softcover, $12.99, June 4
- for women
- Eight-week Bible study and prayer experience for women.
Quiet Influence: The Romans 12:1 Woman- NavPress
- 978-1-600-06670-2
- softcover, $9.99, May 8
- for women
- Deborah, a judge. Mary, the mother of Christ. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. Readers will meet these women and others who presented themselves to God and discovered His transforming power.
- Simply Relevant: A Taste of Freedom
- Group Publishing
- 978-0-764-43890-5
- softcover, $9.99, June 4
- for women
- Six relational study sessions on self-control.
- Simply Relevant: Savor the Moments
- Group Publishing
- 978-0-764-43889-9
- softcover, $9.99, June 4
- for women
- Six relational study sessions on patience.
When a Woman Meets Jesus - Dorothy Valcárcel
- Revell/Baker Publishing Group
- 978-0-800-73379-7
- softcover, $13.99, May
- for women
- By revisiting the lives of 18 New Testament women whose lives were changed by Jesus, readers will be able to have a greater understanding of the Man who loves them just as they are.
Women of the Covenant: Spiritual Wisdom From Women of the Bible - Kimberly Sowell and Edna Ellison
- New Hope Publishers
- 978-1-596-69270-1
- softcover, $8.99, June 1
- for women and ministers of education
- This 10-lesson study highlights God's faithfulness and explores the stories of Old and New Testament women.
- Bible study software/DVD
Captivating Heart to Heart Small Group Video Series- Stasi Eldredge
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54183-5
- DVD, $39.99, Sept. 29
- for small groups, women
Eldredge and her small group show the deep healing and spiritual growth available as readers follow the Captivating journey.
Deepening Life Together
NIV/NLT/NASB - Baker Books/Baker Publishing Group
- 978-0-801-08673-1
- DVD, $8.99, August
- for small groups
A DVD-based small group series that helps ordinary people better understand the Scriptures.
Fathered by God Small Group Video Series - John Eldredge
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54256-6
- DVD, $39.99, Sept. 29
- for small groups
Eldredge’s DVD study unveils six stages men must complete to become who God designed them to be.
Fearless DVD-Based Small Group Kit - Max Lucado
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54182-8
- DVD, $34.99, Sept. 1
- for small groups, families
Lucado’s six DVD sessions help viewers learn to trust God in scary times.
How to Study Your Bible for Kids DVD - Kay Arthur & Janna Arndt
- Harvest House Publishers
- 978-0-736-92611-9
- DVD, $14.99, July
- for ages 8-12
The video uses an entertaining mix of live action and animation to introduce the key concepts of inductive Bible study and to help preteens get excited about discovering the truth of God’s Word.
Nelson's Bible Study Library
- NKJV, KJV, and NCV
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54238-2
- $89.99, October
for families, Bible students, pastors
Readers can find greater detail about biblical events and concepts using Libronix software and Thomas Nelson Bible study resources.
Wild at Heart: A Band of Brothers Small Group Video Series
- John Eldredge
- Thomas Nelson
- 978-1-418-54184-2
- DVD, $39.99, Sept. 29
- for small groups, men
Eldredge DVD study centers on biblically defined masculinity. 