New titles and backlist best-sellers target ‘people wanting help’ in struggling economy
Several Christian publishers are hoping for something of a silver lining in the economic black cloud, by releasing financial-themed books that offered biblical perspectives. New titles and backlist favorites from well-known authors, including John Hagee, Dave Ramsey, Pat Robertson and Ron Blue, deal with everything from the world economy and oil crisis to personal finances. Strang Book Group recently published Financial Armageddon by pastor and New York Times best-selling author John Hagee. Released Nov. 11 by Strang’s current events/political imprint, FrontLine, the book was written in less than three weeks after the recent Wall Street banking crash. In Financial Armageddon, Hagee—senior pastor of 19,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio—addresses the origins of the global oil and economic crises as well as how readers can protect their finances. “The need is there,” said Tessie DeVore, executive vice president of the Strang Book Group. “People are wanting help and one of Strang’s strong points is the ability to turn a book around fast.” A revised version of The New Economic Disorder by Larry Bates—which predicted the current economic downturn—was originally due to be released next month by Strang’s Excel Books. But because of heightened interest in the subject, the book was moved up to a November release, officials said. Focus on the Family/Tyndale House Publishers will publish Surviving Financial Meltdown by Ron Blue and Jeremy White. Scheduled to release Jan. 15, the book is a follow-up to the duo’s Focus on the Family Complete Guide to Faith-based Family Finances. Christian Broadcasting Network founder and televangelist Pat Robertson offers advice on personal finance matters—including budgets, building a nest egg and maximizing tax savings—in Recession-Proof Your Finances (FaithWords/Hachette Book Group USA), scheduled for release in April. Harry Helm, associate publisher of FaithWords/Hachette Book Group USA, told Christian Retailing that the impetus for Robertson’s new book was to provide a voice of reason and expertise to readers in the current economic climate. WaterBrook Press planned an extensive print and radio campaign for the new book by family financial expert Ellie Kay and a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN. Living Rich for Less will release Dec. 16. Meanwhile, radio personality Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover, released in 2003 by Thomas Nelson, has recently been a mainstay on The New York Times Hardcover Advice best-seller list. Joel Miller, vice president and publisher for Thomas Nelson’s Business and Culture division, said although Ramsey’s titles consistently sell, he believed that there was a connection between the economic crisis and the recent surge in Ramsey’s books. “You’re seeing that (surge) from retail accounts that are doing better, more prominent placement because customers have needs, which are most critically and more clearly their financial needs,” he said. Strang Book Group is part of Strang Communications, which publishes Christian Retailing .