'Extra mile' retailers recognized for their innovative efforts |
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Written by Staff |
Thursday, 05 August 2010 08:40 AM America/New_York |
Community outreaches, fundraising initiative and 're-invention' applauded, Tyndale House Publishers thanked for channel support
The Jim Carlson National Spirit of Excellence Award went to Jim and Lorraine Valk, owners of Parable Christian Store of St. Joseph in St. Joseph, Mich. It was presented by CBA Executive Director Curtis Riskey who said the prize and the other category awards were to "recognize retailers who walk the extra mile in pursuit of excellence through Christian retailing." The Valks were chosen for the top award from five stores recognized—including their own, which was singled out for marketing. Announcing the awards, Riskey told how the Valks took products to sell at the local county youth fair and sought input from Facebook friends for marketing ideas as part of their efforts. Dwayne and Lisa Phillips, owners of Dalton's Christian Bookstore in Franklin, N.C., were recognized for excellence in innovation. Among ways they have sought to connect with their community have been placing customer photos in the store's front windows and partnering with local businesses in cross-promotions, said Riskey. Paul and Sue Kuntz, managers of Arrowhead Parable Christian Store in Johnson City, N.Y., took the award for community outreach and ministry. "If there's an event in their town, they are there," said Riskey, citing efforts from hospitality tents at festivals to fund raising for pro-life ministries. Patricia Taylor, owner of Cornerstone Christian Supply in Cheyenne, Wyo., was honored for merchandising. Taylor created a military section to serve customers from a nearby Air Force base and "keeps re-inventing the store by listening to customers and studying traffic flow to rearrange categories, displays and presentations," Riskey said. Steve and Marie Prickett, owners of Logos of Northern Kentucky in Alexandria, Ky., were acknowledged in the area of customer experience. The pair connected with local churches and sought to "engage customers and create very spiritual and emotional experiences in and around the store," Riskey said. The retailer awards were followed by the presentation of CBA's Channel Champion Award to Tyndale House Publishers. The trophy saluted a supplier that had "gone beyond the call of duty to champion Christian stores as community hubs for resources, service and ministry," said Riskey. Tyndale had a history of strategies and campaigns specifically for Christian stores, he aided, and was "focused on ministry and connecting stores to communities ans churches." In its own meetings at ICRS, the Parable Group named its top franchise stores of the year. The large store honor for excellence in adapting, sustaining, adopting and performing went to Gary and Marcia Hoffman, owners of Rainbow Parable Christian Store in Colonial Heights, Va. Parable franchise coach John Strifler said that the pair had "effectively addressed issues of downsizing space, the shift in staffing cycle, refinement of financial and inventory management practices." Honored as best small store in the same category was Lemstone Parable Christian Store in Columbia, Mo. Owners Bob and Miriam Perry had "done it all with class, with Christ-honoring interactions and with a passion to see lives changed," said Strifler. For excellence in sales growth, the award went to Jason Mitzel, owner of Rainbow Shop Parable Christian Store in Fargo, N.D., who took over the store from his parents and saw a 7% increase in revenues in 2009. Former CBA chairman Jim Whitaker (2007-2009), owner of New Life Christian Stores in Lynchburg, Va., was presented with the Chairman's Award for his service to the trade association, including nine years as a board member. Munce Marketing did not present awards, but there was a special cake for members Joseph and Evelyn Curtiss, owners of Word of Life Christian Bookstore in Los Angeles, Calif,. to mark their 50 years in the industry. CBA also made its annual awards for best ICRS booths. Gifts & Specialty (Large: 300 square feet or more): Kerusso. Gifts & Specialty (Small: less than 300 square feet): Not of This World. Entertainment (large): EMI CMG. Entertainment (small): Provident-Integrity. Books & Resources (large): David C. Cook. Books & Resources (small): Gracefully Yours. Staff (large): STL Distribution North America. Staff (small): Endure. Retail Support: Innovative, Inc. First-Timer: Mend Mark. |