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Written by Christine D. Johnson |
Tuesday, 02 June 2009 02:15 PM America/New_York |
We asked: In today's economic downturn, it's easy to be distracted from the reason the Christian retailer owns a store in the first place. The supplier of inspirational gifts may also lose motivation. So, we ask, just how can retailers/suppliers in the Christian products industry not lose sight of their mission during hard times? You told us: Marie Prickett
"Even prior to our current state of economy, but more so today, we all face different and tougher decisions. We face discouragement, sometimes of each other, but mostly because of declining sales, due to the economy and the changing of buying habits, i.e. Internet purchases. "Most retailers and suppliers have felt called to start a ministry and use their God-given gifts and talents to reach consumers with the Word of God, and help grow His kingdom. It is our mission. Sales pay our bills, help us to continue our ministries and add to the number of people we are reaching for Christ. "During leaner and tougher times everyone is tempted to either quit or change in some fashion. Change is good in many ways, but we all have to guard ourselves from changing any part of why we were called into this ministry. We need to pray more and harder that God keeps us humble and righteous. We need to work harder and smarter, but never change our mission. We need to continue to educate ourselves to become better at our calling. We need to take advantage of publications and trade shows that offer experienced talent to teach us all. In such a changing environment we all need each other; to learn from each other; to help each other; and mostly to encourage each other! "Most of our positions and responsibilities vary from each other, but one thing remains the same, our ultimate goals and our ministries. You will make friends that do what you do; understand what you do; and you'll build a stronger Christian community for our industry and have fellow retailers that you can always call. "We have all been made for community. What you will find at Christian trade shows is community. Others just like you, with similar goals and challenges. You will find that there are many others just like you that share your beliefs, struggles and mission. You will find that you are not alone, but part of a big group of others that will pray with you, and for you. In these type of times, I cannot stress enough how much we need each other and to be with each other. Staying alone, and out of the Christian retailing family will lead to nothing more than more added stress, and confusion. Thus, after a Christian trade show you'll be refreshed and encouraged. "All of our customers look to us to be encouraging and helpful. It is extremely difficult to encourage others when we ourselves are not motivated. We all know that God has good plans for us, so we cannot quit. We need to get together often, not just when convenient, but regularly and often. You will not regret it." Ed Nizynski |