Gifts of Faith--a Phoenix-based Christian product supplier--has signed a licensing agreement with Precious Moments Inc. (PMI) to design, distribute and market Precious Moments faith-based products to religious and inspirational gift industry customers. The agreement includes products for occasions such as first communion, confirmation and baptism. Sales to retailers are scheduled to begin in November.
"This is a major step in the development of the Gifts of Faith from its introduction in fall 2002 to inspirational gift stores, and then expansion to independent gift retailers in June 2008," said Paul DiGiovanni, president of Autom, Gifts of Faith's parent company. "This licensing agreement--with one of the most famous brands in the gift industry--will help Gifts of Faith generate awareness, and it will help Precious Moments secure distribution among the religious and inspirational customers in which Gifts of Faith specializes." PMI CEO Jim Malcolm added: "The association of Precious Moments with Gifts of Faith is a perfect fit because both Precious Moments and Gifts of Faith are inspirational products which provide messages of hope, peace, love and joy."