CPE Hershey kicks off |
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Written by Eric Tiansay |
Monday, 17 January 2011 03:30 PM America/New_York |
![]() Independent Christian retailers must develop a digital strategy soon if they are to have a future, they heard yesterday at the Munce Group's Christian Product Expo (CPE) in Hershey, Pa. "It's your only hope for competing," said David Amster, CEO and chief innovation officer at Integra Interactive, in a digital workshop session on "How to Stay Relevant to Your Customers." Sharing statistics of the continuing rise in digital music sales and the ongoing slump in CD purchases, Amster urged stores not to give up on the category because it was still significant in drawing customers who might buy other things such as greeting cards while in stores. Meanwhile, in a stirring message during the event's Bible conference, author and speaker Keith Johnson encouraged attendees who might be facing business challenges to be renewed in their commitment to their ministry. Drawing lessons from the Gen. 32 account of Jacob's wrestling with God, the founder of Biblical Foundations Academy traced how Christians may have to move from fear and feeling forsaken to exercising faith and fighting. "They could then ... see God's favor as others found Him," he said. Exhorting retailers to embrace the idea that they were more than simply Christian booksellers, but were "ambassadors of the amazing and heralds of hope," Johnson asked: "What is the main change that needs to take place inside of you? What is the name that He wants to change inside of you?" The Night of Worship saw singer Nicole C. Mullen previewing several songs from her forthcoming release, Captivated (Word Records/Word Distribution). Around 240 retailers are expected at CPE, which runs through tomorrow, with workshops and more than 60 exhibitors. Munce emphasizes order writing at CPE by motivating retailers with a reimbursement program that helps to offset travel, food and hotel expenses, based on reaching order-writing goals. Munce serves nearly 500 stores nationwide. Click here |