Zondervan wins national creative awards |
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Written by Christine D. Johnson |
Thursday, 27 October 2011 09:25 AM America/New_York |
The Chunky Bible received the Design Annual 52 Award in the book category, as noted in the September/October edition of Communications Arts. Retailing for $29.99, the brightly colored compact, bulked-up Bible resembles a cubed tear-off calendar. Its content includes scripture with reading plans, quick-access content and 96 perforated tear-out cards meant to be “chunks” of wisdom, hope and love to pass along to others. Zondervan’s 15-second “Come Closer” advertisement was a Commercial Bronze Winner in the Telly Awards. The commercial ran on ABC Family and other networks in the spring. Aiming to reinforce the message that God seeks to connect through His Word, the commercial portrayed a woman sitting alone at the end of a dock on a quiet lake reading her NIV Bible. “Our retail buyers and consumer feedback tells us people love high design, visual appeal and tactile engagement with their Bibles, and we are committed to maintaining Zondervan's long-held reputation of developing innovative Bible products and campaigns to grow Bible engagement,” said Chip Brown, senior vice president and publisher. In total, Communications Arts awarded 174 winning projects from nearly 4,300 entries in 18 categories including: Books, Catalogs, Editorial, Integrated Branding Program, Motion Graphics, Packaging, Posters, Product/Service Brochures, Public Service and Trademarks. The Telly Awards honors the best local, regional and
cable TV commercials and programs, video and film productions and work created
for the Web. This year’s awards received more than 11,000 entries from 50
states and five continents. |