Parable catalogs trump national average response rate |
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Written by Christine D. Johnson |
Monday, 05 August 2013 09:49 AM America/New_York |
Recent data published in the Direct Marketing Association’s Response Rate 2012 Report stated the average direct mail catalog response rate across all industries is 4.26%, but Parable’s rate is 16.5%. “In just about any business segment of the direct-mail industry, our 16.5% is a phenomenal response,” said Jenni Smith, mailing specialist for Parable. “Our proprietary predictive model is the key to our routine double-digit response rates.” Nearly 15 years ago, Parable developed a segmenting algorithm that weighs and prioritizes 18 variables from two years of customer transactional history to predict which customers are most likely to respond to a mailing. The predictive mailing model is continually monitored and yields double-digit response rates. The response rate to Parable’s 2012 Christmas catalog was even higher than normal—21%. Parable also uses specialized software to clean mailing lists for partner stores, ensuring lists conform to postal service deliverability requirements, eliminating bad addresses and ensuring the lowest possible postage rate. Smith said response rates are “only part of the story.” “On average, responders spend an additional $3 over customers who do not receive mailings,” she said. “And responders generate an average of 1.5 receipts per promotion period—meaning responders spend more and shop more often.” The Parable Group mailed more than 2.4 million catalogs on
behalf of partner stores in 2012. Parable provides multi-channel service
options that allow any Christian store in the industry to select the service
mix that is right for their business—whether it be print/mail services,
digital/email services and data services. Stores can be part of any marketing
group or not affiliated with one to receive Parable’s services. |