CPE 2015 encourages, inspires retailers |
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Written by Taylor Berglund |
Thursday, 15 October 2015 10:41 AM America/New_York |
This year's show featured a number of special guests, including Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice and Haydn Shaw, a leadership expert and author of Generational IQ and Sticking Points (both Tyndale House Publishers). During the Sunday workshops, Sekulow spoke to the independents about their rights as Christian store owners and addressed concerns from the audience in a question-and-answer session. On Monday, Shaw enlightened retailers on reaching the millennial generation. Lizzi Briggs-Riesco of Amazing Grace Resource Center in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, singled out the workshops for praise. “Can a product expo be any more encouraging and inspiring?” Briggs-Riesco said. “I can’t believe I heard the heartbeat of amazing men like Randy Frazee, David Ring, Mike Weaver, Haydn Shaw and Brian Hardin from their own mouths—not selling their books but uplifting the Lord in our world.” Other workshops at CPE Murfreesboro included “A Vision for Blogging” with author and blogger Lori Roeleveld, “Improving Author In-Store Appearances” with Christian Authors Network (CAN) and “Current Product Trends.” Jennifer and Ken Lewis of Sower Bible Bookstore in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, found value in the show's training that met the needs of Christian retailers. “I appreciated how relevant the workshops were to the current issues and trends we are experiencing,” they said. Debbie Woodard of Bethany Book and Gift in Baxter, Minnesota, praised the expo. “How can I possibly pick a favorite experience about CPE?” Woodard said. “This year’s show was among the best ever—between the speakers, workshops, worship events and ‘family reunion’ atmosphere. We’re heading home encouraged and inspired.” Following the workshops, Sunday continued with a Personality Party that allowed retailers to meet and greet nearly 20 authors and artists. During the Sunday evening dinner, a special guest with Operation Christmas Child shared how God changed her life when she received a shoebox in Romania. The evening concluded with a Night of Worship featuring worship leaders from All Sons & Daughters and internationally known speaker David Ring, author of The Boy Born Dead (Baker Books/Baker Publishing Group). Monday began with a devotional by Brian Hardin, the vision and voice of the "Daily Audio Bible" podcast. The show floor opened for order writing Monday morning. The floor hours were 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Monday and from 8:30 a.m. until noon on Tuesday. Kirk Blank, president of Munce Group, was thankful for CPE’s success. “The Lord was so good to bless us with just the right mix of training, buying and encouragement,” Blank said. “While we intentionally keep the attendance the same each year, exhibitors kept commenting that there were more people and many more orders written. In fact, the total number of orders was significantly up from last year. Our speakers provided great information and encouragement, and all of this is made possible by our vendors. I'm so glad our retailers said, ‘thank you’ by writing a lot of ‘big, fat purchase orders.’” Eddie Nostrand, sales director for Spirit & Truth Jewelry, appreciated the opportunities CPE provided. “Another year and another huge success for CPE Murfreesboro,” Nostrand said. “Spirit & Truth Jewelry is extremely grateful for the opportunity to participate in a show that not only brings buyers and sellers together but creates an atmosphere conducive for relationship building and business success, all the while keeping the gospel at center stage!” Roy and Angela Adams, from Guiding Light Christian Store in Barboursville, West Virginia, echoed Nostrand’s sentiment. “This is always an uplifting event," they said. "It’s great to fellowship with other retailers and spend time with vendor reps that I normally don’t get the time to spend with.” At the Monday dinner, attendees watched a personalized preview for the new Ben-Hur production, which will premiere in its entirety at CPE Hershey 2016. The Monday night showcase featured moving performances by TaRanda Greene and Big Daddy Weave. Kelly Harding, from Central Christian College of the Bible Bookstore in Moberly, Missouri, said the event reinvigorated her. “CPE has become like an oasis for me,” Harding said. “Being able to come together with retailers and vendors for fellowship, training and encouragement recharges my desire to serve my community.” Larry Haege, president and CEO of Innovative Inc., was positive about the show. “Those of us with the Signature and Innovative Church Marketing Team had a wonderful time at CPE, spending time with so many partners, old and new,” Haege said. The times of training, fellowship and worship were truly the stuff the body of Christ is made of.” CPE's winter regional will return to Hershey, Pennsylvania, in 2016, with new dates in February. Kicking off Super Bowl Sunday with a super-sized event at the Hershey Lodge, CPE Hershey will run Feb. 7-9. Guests scheduled for the upcoming show include Southern gospel quartet Ernie Haase and Signature Sound. |