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VBS most common evangelistic church tool Print Email
Wednesday, 10 January 2007 07:00 PM America/New_York

Vacation Bible School (VBS) was the most popular evangelistic tool used by churches in 2006, according to research conducted by Ellison Research for LifeWay Christian Resources.

The findings, released in the January/February edition of Facts & Trends magazine, was the result of a study to determine the involvement of U.S. Protestant churches in evangelism and community outreach.

According to the survey of 811 Protestant ministers, 68% of churches utilized VBS last year. Other common evangelistic tools were distributing tracts (59%), special events (56%), musical gatherings (51%), mailings or fliers (50%), and visits to nursing homes and retirement centers (49%).

The report found that Lutherans are particularly likely to rely on VBS, online methods and mailings or fliers, but less likely to use revivals or crusades, musical events or concerts and audio/visual methods. Pentecostal churches are particularly likely to employ musical events or concerts, revivals or crusades, “invite a friend to church” days and audio/visual products, but less likely than average to use VBS for evangelism.