Christian Retailing

Zonderkidz vice president and publisher named Print Email
Sunday, 16 September 2007 08:00 PM America/New_York

Zondervan has announced the hiring of Annette Bourland to the position of vice president and publisher for its children's products group, Zonderkidz.

Before joining Zondervan, Bourland worked for more than a decade with Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Focus on the Family, where she served as managing editor of Clubhouse Jr. magazine for the last seven years.

In her new role at Zondervan, Bourland, who co-authored Zondervan's Young Women of Faith Bible, will be responsible for management of Zonderkidz's editorial group, company officials said.

Scott Bolinder, executive vice president and publisher, said Bourland "brings a strong editorial background with her to this position, as well as a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of what's required to produce relevant content to reach children with the message of God's love and to build within them a strong spiritual foundation."