Christian Retailing

Nominations coming up for Retailers Choice Awards Print Email
Sunday, 16 December 2007 07:00 PM America/New_York

Christian publishers and retailers making the final changes to their Christmas lists need to start thinking of another one-the most significant new Christian resources of 2007.

Nominations will open in the new year for Christian Retailing's popular annual Retailers Choice Awards, with three new categories announced for the eighth year of the competition.

Prizes will be given for the best new Vacation Bible School, Catholic/Liturgical and Church Supplies products released this year, in addition to more than 20 other categories of books, music and gifts. The additions to the awards program reflect increased emphasis given to the new categories in the light of ongoing changes in Christian retailing.

Supplier nominations for the Retailers Choice Awards will open in January, with entries to be voted on by Christian retail store managers and staff who will judge them on their spiritual impact.

Winners will be announced at the International Christian Retail Show in Orlando, Fla., in the summer. To review the winners for last year, go to