Christian Retailing

Thursday, 03 February 2005 07:00 PM America/New_York

The final event in CBA Advance's three-in-one week was due to focus on the lack of trust between suppliers and retailers, identified as one of the key issues facing the industry, as the Focus on the Industry conference opened today.

With Independents Day and Expo behind them, attendees were due to hear Gary Friesen, executive vice president of Peacemaker Ministries, address the subject and, with Lynn Pace, a Christian conciliator, outline practical ways of restoring trust.

Their contribution was to be followed by a keynote address by Phil Abraham, whose Abraham Solutions Inc. specializes in supply-chain management issues. After his session CBA retail technology strategist Eric Grimm and Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Vice President for Marketing and Technology Kelly Gallagher were to present a progress report on efforts to reduce costs in the Christian retail channel.

Tomorrow's closing morning is to feature Michael Spinozzi, executive vice president and chief marketing officer of Borders, explaining how the general market chain uses book category management to increase sales.