Christian Retailing

GENI: Meet me in St. Louis! Print Email
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Wednesday, 26 May 2010 10:53 AM America/New_York

A message from Geni Hulsey, president of the Church Bookstore Network:

I have attended CBA events since joining the Christian products industry in 1993 and want to share with you four reasons for joining me at the International Christian Retail Show in St. Louis next month.

Business: The centerpiece of the show—and of any trade show—is the vendor exhibit floor. It is here that you see new products, learn how to promote those items and make friends with the companies who so wonderfully serve our industry.

As I visit each booth, I am always impressed with how much effort each vendor has put into its presence. They bring authors, musicians and artisans so that you might get to know the heart behind the products. They are generous beyond belief with free product so that you might preview items or read books to see how they will fit into the ministry of your store.

Education is another reason for attending ICRS. Few of us know all that we need to about what we have been called to do. For church bookstores, there will be many classes that will be pertinent to you as a manager in Christian retail, but there will be one that you especially will not want to miss.

One of the major topics discussed in any group of church bookstore managers is how to engage the staff in the ministry and the process of the bookstore. A staff fully engaged will not only enhance the ministry of the store, but the individual ministries in the church. At ICRS, we will have a great panel discussion with church bookstore managers who have dealt with this problem.


The third reason for attending ICRS—or any industry event—is community. It is easy in a church bookstore to feel as though you are alone and no one else has dealt with the problems or situations that you face from day to day.

But at an event like ICRS, you will find many others who deal with the same issues you face. They may have found a solution that you have not yet thought of and, over a cup of coffee, be able to share how they dealt with that situation.

Being the basically sanguine personality that I am, finding community and fellowship is a great motivator for me and I would go to ICRS just for that purpose. It is refreshing to get away, to get a fresh perspective and then return rejuvenated.

But the fourth and last reason for being there is probably the most important. When we gather at industry events such as ICRS, we have opportunities for spiritual renewal. There are speakers who speak to our hearts from God's Word, there are musicians who lead us in great times of worship, and there are opportunities for communal prayer.

These times are rich and full and help us focus on what is most important in our lives and ministry.
So, I encourage you, if you have not already, to register for ICRS in St. Louis, June 27-30. I look forward to seeing you there!

For more information about ICRS, go to