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Seeds store supports guest speakers Print Email
Written by Ginny McCabe   
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 05:18 PM America/New_York

GiftsAtFrontResource center builds on interest in Willow Creek’s visiting authors

Church bookstore founder George Lindholm had a passion to get Bibles, books and other resources into people’s hands to help them grow spiritually. Planting and nurturing new life in Christ was the idea behind the name of Seeds Resource Center, a ministry of the Chicago-area multi-campus Willow Creek Community Church.

Seeds is managed by Bookstore Director Jennifer Acanfora. A 5,000-square-foot location with an extension called The Branch that operates in the church’s main lobby Saturdays and Sundays, Seeds blossomed out of an increased need for Bibles and messages by Bill Hybels, founding and senior pastor.

Serving a congregation of more than 20,000, one of the store’s key ministries is to support guest authors who speak at the church. 

For instance, when the church focused on a series called “Celebration of Hope,” highlighting compassion and justice issues, North Park Theological Seminary professor and author Soong-Chan Rah spoke. 

“He had a brand-new book out, The Next Evangelicalism from InterVarsity Press,” said Receiving Manager Brad Lasater. “We were able to get that in, feature it and have it for sale. We try to feature what is both new and relevant.”

When an author visits, the store finds out what books have been released on the topic the author is addressing, including the speaker’s recent titles. 

When Gateway Church pastor and author Robert Morris came to speak, Seeds had a big promotion with several tables set up in the lobby. 

“Fortunately, his church was able to get us a large quantity of four of his titles,” Lasater said. “One of them focused on the message he was speaking about and he gave quite an inspirational message. We were able to offer the congregation a good price, at a discount, and we sold quite a few of them.”

Willow Creek is bringing in several guest speakers this summer, including Craig Groeschel, John Ortberg and Henry Cloud, so the store will be fully engaged in helping to sell their books.