Last Days: Bible prophecy expert Ed Hindson is featured in Understanding Revelation in 60 Minutes, releasing Aug. 1 from Harvest House Publishers. Promoted as a “60-minute panoramic overview” of the Bible’s oft-discussed book, the DVD covers the main events, characters and predictions of the Last Days in a format designed for church and home study groups. It will retail for $19.99. Call 800-547-8979 to order.
Sex study: Moody Publishers will release Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making? ($29.99) this month. A 10-week study led by Bible teacher Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery, formerly of Focus on the Family, the DVD addresses the issues of sexual intimacy from a female perspective. The study is structured from Scripture, especially the Song of Solomon, encouraging women to embrace passion in their relationships with their husbands. It also addresses topics such as temptation and holiness. Call 800-678-8812 to order.
Visual worship: Integrity Music will release iWorship Visual Worship Trax Volume 1 on Aug. 13 for $39.99. It features popular worship songs in an “all-in-one” lyrics projection resource for churches and other settings. The lyric video uses the original artist recording with backgrounds and words for a user-friendly performance track. Songs come in original stereo, split-trax and click-track versions. The two-disc combo includes Darlene Zschech’s “Victor’s Crown” and Planetshakers’ “The Anthem.” Order through Provident Distribution.