Homeless at Harvard: Finding Faith and Friendship on the Streets of Harvard Square tells of the 10 weeks John Christopher Frame spent among the homeless during his final studies at Harvard Divinity School. Frame shares his experiences and the stories of those he came to know who lived on the streets, helping readers better understand the problems of the homeless. Zondervan releases this book in softcover for $14.99 Aug. 6.
Pastor and author Shane Stanford, along with former CEO and member of the Tennessee House of Representatives R. Brad Martin, offer a series of lessons on slaying “giants” in life and business in Five Stones: Conquering Your Giants. Using the story of David and Goliath as a framework, the authors show how ordinary people can overcome challenges in all areas of life. One giant Stanford has had to face is an HIV-positive diagnosis, which he contracted after receiving infected blood. Releasing this month from Abingdon Press, this title retails for $18.99 in hardcover.
Leading and Loving It: Encouragement for Pastors’ Wives and Women in Leadership by Lori Wilhite and Brandi Wilson releases from FaithWords on Aug. 6 (softcover, $15). Revealing their own personal stories as pastors’ wives, the authors give readers tools for handling the pressures and expectations of their roles and tips for dealing with criticism, burnout and more. Wilhite founded Leading and Loving It, a community that supports women in ministry, where Wilson is a co-leader.
This month Charisma House releases You Are Anointed for This!: Walk in Confidence, Boldness and Authority (softcover, $16.99), in which author Judy Jacobs defines anointing and helps readers see that God’s power is not only for pastors, evangelists and ministry leaders, but also for every Christian. Jacobs, host of the television program Judy Jacobs Now!, is also founder of His Song Ministries and the International Institute of Mentoring.
Drawing upon Scripture and the latest research, including a large survey of couples and singles, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton looks at how to sustain healthy romantic relationships for the course of a lifetime in Love to Stay: Sex, Grace, and Commitment. Abingdon Press releases this title in hardcover this month for $18.99. A companion DVD study and a leader’s guide are also available.
Brett McCracken examines some gray areas of Christian cultural consumption in Gray Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism and Liberty. McCracken, managing editor of Biola Magazine and a journalism instructor at Biola University, leads Christians to refine their discernment of truth, goodness and beauty and to adopt a more thoughtful approach to engagement with culture. This book releases for $14.99 in softcover from Baker Books/Baker Publishing Group this month.
The latest title in Allison Bottke’s “Setting Boundaries” series is releasing from Harvest House Publishers this month. Setting Boundaries for Women: Six Steps to Saying No, Taking Control, and Finding Peace is designed to inspire and equip women with the tools they need to set and enforce appropriate boundaries with the people in their lives. In softcover, the book retails for $12.99.
In My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife: A One-Year Experiment … and Its Liberating Results, Sara Horn shares her personal account of examining the concept of submission in marriage and challenges women to do the same—without preconceived ideas and with openness. Horn is founder of Wives of Faith, a military wives’ ministry and author of My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife. Harvest House Publishers releases this title in softcover ($12.99) this month.