Christian Retailing

Dave Thornton named Gospel Light CEO Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Wednesday, 03 September 2014 10:23 AM America/New_York

Executive has held variety of roles at several publishers

DaveThorntonGospel Light’s board of directors has named Dave Thornton as the company’s new chief executive officer.

Thornton joined Gospel Light in 2013 as director of church sales and most recently served as director of sales and marketing. He served 17 years at Group Publishing in a variety of roles, from director of product development to director of church leadership and finally director of global innovations. Previously he worked in marketing at David C Cook.

The board and CEO are refocusing the company on the mission given to Gospel Light’s founder, Henrietta C. Mears—to know Christ and make Him known.

“I dream of a day when Gospel Light will be seen as the trusted global leader in providing Christ-connecting, Bible-based, disciple-making resources to help the church reach children and their families for Christ through products and resources that are available anytime and anywhere around the world,” Thornton said.

Board members believe Thornton is the right man to lead the company.

“The Gospel Light board and senior management team are working diligently to reinvent ourselves for the 21st century, so that the new Gospel Light will be positioned to impact the church in the next generation,” said Kathy Rowland, chair of the Gospel Light board. “Our goal is to become the leading publisher of Christ-centered, biblically based Sunday school curriculum, VBS programs and other resources that challenge the next generation of church leaders to know Christ and make Him known. To this end, the board has appointed Dave Thornton as the new CEO.”

Rowland spoke of Thornton’s “proven track record as a CEO” and ability to “coordinate management and staff to create and execute a strategic plan to achieve corporate goals, to cast vision, to build a world-class leadership team and to hold the team accountable to performance objectives.” —Johnson

Author Philip Yancey explores questions of substance Print Email
Written by Ann Byle   
Wednesday, 03 September 2014 10:06 AM America/New_York

Writer and fellow pilgrim provides Christian retailers with books on subjects that meet customer needs

PhilipYancey-PortraitWhen Philip Yancey writes a new book, his publisher and his fans gear up for the excitement. Yancey’s latest is Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News?, releasing this month from Zondervan.

Vanishing Grace is his first book with Zondervan since Prayer in 2006, according to Tom Dean, senior director of marketing for trade nonfiction. Dean and his team have revamped Yancey’s website, are organizing a book tour and planning plenty of promotional materials to keep Christian retail stores happy and part of the launch.

“Philip is on a journey with the reader,” Dean said. “He says to them, ‘I have the same questions you do, so let’s explore them together.’ ”

One of the first things Dean and Zondervan did was a brand analysis of who Yancey really is. His website,, received a complete overhaul with his input an integral part of that work. The second thing was to plan a seven-city book tour from one end of the U.S. to the other.

Yancey will visit churches that seat at least 1,500 for each of the free events. Titled “An Evening with Philip Yancey,” he will speak for 30-40 minutes on the topic of “vanishing grace,” and after a musical interlude, take questions from the audience. He’ll visit San Diego; Detroit; Atlanta; Cleveland; Auburn, Alabama; Kansas City; and Menlo Park, California.

“We are taking the creative assets of our own marketing campaign and providing them to the churches, including printed pieces, eblasts, PowerPoint presentations and website materials,” Dean said.

Christian retail stores are also part of the design, with the author planning to visit several stores in the Denver area after the holidays and taking part in Skype interviews or book club gatherings via digital connection whenever possible.

“This is a key opportunity for Christian retail to step up, and we’re looking for our retailers to deliver significantly,” Dean said.

Merchandising materials provided to bookstores will mirror those provided to Yancey’s tour venues, with additional pieces such as artwork for bag-stuffers and website banner ads available on request. Zondervan also is releasing a DVD and study guide appropriate for group and individual use.

“This is our biggest budgeted book for fiscal 2015 and our biggest frontlist title,” Dean said. “It’s the book we have the highest expectations for this year.”

One of Yancey’s goals is to provide bookstores with titles that truly sell.

“I’ve published 25 books or so and cover a lot of different topics,” he said. “People come into the bookstores with a problem, and my books can offer help. So often Christian booksellers become counselors; I want to provide them with books they can give to customers who need them.”

Yancey has a library of around 5,000 volumes, the majority of which came from Christian stores through the years.

“I love Christian retail stores,” he said. “My mother made her living with the Bible Club Movement, now BCM International, so she would go into Christian bookstores and buy flannelgraphs and booklets. I would tag along with her.”

He acknowledges the struggles Christian retailers face, but also the good services they provide.9780310339328 image

“Christian retailers need that sense of mission as well as good business practices,” Yancey said. “One thing they offer is a personal, listening ear and knowledge about a particular book that might help. Many times a person wanders into a bookstore but doesn’t know what they want. Perhaps he or she has questions or knows someone with a problem. That’s where Christian retailers with a personal touch can fill the gap.”

Zondervan has been intentional about introducing Yancey to retailers, including meeting with Parable Group retailers and a visit with Munce Group retailers.

“When you hear Philip talk about the book, he’s got amazing stories of everyday Christians extending grace in amazing ways,” Dean said. “He truly has a heart for the church. General lay readers as well as church leaders will be interested in this book.”

To retailers such as Bill Ballou, who has owned The Solid Rock in Kearney, Nebraska, for 40 years, a new Yancey title means promoting the book via displays and handselling to customers.

Vanishing Grace is going to be a very relevant book, as Christians are becoming less relevant to our society and as we react badly when things don’t go our way on things like gay marriage, abortion and healthcare,” Ballou said. “We need to act like Christians.”

Zondervan’s David Morris, vice president and publisher for trade books, calls Yancey “a trusted fellow pilgrim who helps everyday readers put into words the things we’re all feeling. He captures the important human questions, shows how we might think about them as Christians and shows us the places and ways where the gospel message shines.”

Yancey is quick to say that he didn’t want to write a scolding book, but a soul-searching kind of book.

“I really want this to be a positive book that helps the church think through what we’re not doing right, and come up with ways to do it better,” he said.

The book’s beginnings go back to his earlier title What’s So Amazing About Grace? (Zondervan), which was first released in 1997. We live in a different world now, he says, than we did 20 years ago when Christians were more respected.

“People who are outsiders to the faith no longer see what we have as Good News, but as bad news,” Yancey said. “I decided to find out what happened and how we should respond to those opinions. I wanted to ask the questions, ‘Is it really Good News, both for me and at large?’ ”

Zondervan’s Morris agrees.

Vanishing Grace tells everyday Christians, who might feel a little embattled and lost in today’s religious climate, that nothing should stop us from taking an opportunity to show God’s grace,” Morris said. “My hope is that the book will inspire and equip us to do what Christians are called to do: show love toward others. It’s biblical, achievable and there for the taking if you’re courageous enough to answer that call.”

Even U2 lead singer and activist Bono endorsed Yancey’s latest work.

“It’s a lot to expect authors themselves to live up to the magic of their words, and it’s very special when they do,” Bono said. “Philip Yancey has a way about him that can only be described as graceful. Not vanishing at all … very present.”

Next year, Yancey plans to start on a memoir.

AmericasMart announces future gift show dates Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Tuesday, 02 September 2014 05:24 PM America/New_York

AmericasMart-Crowd-webAmericasMart Atlanta has confirmed dates for the January and July editions of its Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market through calendar year 2018. The confirmation follows extensive review of customer scheduling and timing preferences and sustains Atlanta’s longstanding first-market position in the January and July show cycles, according to Jeffrey L. Portman Sr., vice chairman and president of AMC, AmericasMart’s parent company.

Dates for The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market are as follows:

Jan. 6-13, 2015

Showrooms: Tuesday, Jan. 6-Tuesday, Jan. 13

Temporaries: Thursday, Jan. 8-Monday, Jan. 12

Tyndale to publish novelization of ‘The Remaining’ horror film Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Thursday, 28 August 2014 07:28 PM America/New_York

TheRemainingTyndale House Publishers and Affirm Films have partnered for the publication of The Remaining, a novelization of the horror film by Travis Thrasher, releasing in September.

Based on the movie, which will be coming to select theaters Sept. 5, and its themes surrounding biblical accounts of the apocalypse, the book is a supernatural thriller that also aims to prompt readers to consider the end times and ponder their beliefs.

Christian retailers plan to draw customers with Labor Day sales Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Thursday, 28 August 2014 07:22 PM America/New_York

FamilyChristianLogo-webFamily Christian Stores is among the Christian retail stores expecting to draw traffic with sales this Labor Day.

At Family, a coupon code gets the customer 30% off an entire purchase of regularly priced product. Doorbusters are priced at $5 or 50% off in a deal that runs through Sept. 1. Items include The Story in the King James Version for $5 and Kirk Cameron’s Unstoppable DVD also for $5.

Revell’s ‘Glimpses of Heaven’ makes ‘New York Times’ lists Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Thursday, 28 August 2014 06:56 PM America/New_York

GlimpsesOfHeaven-webGlimpses of Heaven, a 2008 book by former hospice nurse Trudy Harris, has been featured on two New York Times lists. The Revell/Baker Publishing Group title placed 11th on the E-book list and 24th on the Combined Print & E-book list, reflecting sales for the week ending Aug. 23.

With more than 200,000 copies in print, continued sales of Glimpses of Heaven show there is continued interest in the afterlife. In the book, Harris shares the final words and visions of terminally ill and dying people in more than 40 true stories that give a reassuring picture of life’s end.

Anchor partners with Worthy Latino for Spanish distribution Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Thursday, 28 August 2014 06:37 PM America/New_York

Anchor-WorthyLatino-webAnchor Distributors and Worthy Latino have join forces to meet growing demand for Spanish books.

Anchor Vice President John Whitaker and Worthy Latino Executive Director Sam Rodriguez have announced the companies will work together to provide quality Spanish titles to the ever-growing global Hispanic book market.

Millions Expected to Head ‘Back to Church’ on Sept. 21 Print Email
Written by Natalie Gillespie   
Monday, 25 August 2014 02:10 PM America/New_York

NationalBackToChurchSunday2014-webMore than 30,000 U.S. churches expect to welcome more 3 million congregants on Back to Church Sunday, to be held Sept. 21. It’s the sixth annual event for the national movement, the largest yearly community-based church outreach effort in the nation.

In Pearl, Mississippi, more than 15 churches have joined together to invite all residents from the Jackson, Mississippi area to come back to church. According to a pastor in Pearl, this is the first-ever effort for churches in their city to work together for participation in Back to Church Sunday. According to a Back to Church Sunday media release, the group has even garnered the support of the local mayor.