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Concordia provides back-to-school supplies Print Email
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Thursday, 19 August 2010 02:32 PM America/New_York

Concordia Publishing House (CPH) recently provided south St. Louis residents with more than 700 backpacks full of school supplies, hot lunches and Spanish resources in an effort to unite the community and share the gospel.

For the 15th consecutive year, CPH hosted Operation F.U.N. (For a United Neighborhood) Aug. 4. During the event, Concordia provided 750 children with a backpack full of school supplies, a hot meal and fun activities.

"Community involvement with an emphasis on sharing the gospel message remains the focus for Operation F.U.N.," CPH president and CEO Bruce Kintz said. "We were proud to show the community our dedication and hearts to serve in the St. Louis metropolitan area."

One of the longest-established businesses in the city, CPH has resided in the south St. Louis area for 140 years. "Concordia Publishing House and its employee volunteers are to be commended for their commitment to their south St. Louis location and to this quality, family-friendly event," St. Louis Alderman Craig Schmid said.

CPH set up a table with titles from its Spanish Arch Books for bilingual and Spanish-speaking residents at the event. The publishing arm of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, St. Louis-based not-for-profit CPH offers more than 8,000 products for use in congregations, schools and homes.