Thomas Nelson launches different kind of women’s Bible study |
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Written by Christine D. Johnson |
Tuesday, 10 September 2013 06:21 PM America/New_York |
InScribed is a collection of studies by women inspired by Prov. 3:3: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart” (The Voice). InScribed will release four books next March and three more in fall 2014. The new line can best be defined by how the reader uses and interacts with the material. “We are bringing a new kind of book—an in-depth exploration of Scripture,” said Frank Couch, publisher, Thomas Nelson Bible Group. “For a long time, people have thought of Bible studies as curriculum with weekly assignments,” Couch said. “With the InScribed books, there are study questions at the end of chapters, but the books aren’t driven by hours of homework each week. Those resources have a place, but our method is to allow the readers to go from page to page reading rich, deep content without it feeling like a heavy Bible study that they can’t devote a lot of time to. It’s designed to look and feel like a book you can talk about with your friends or engage with on your own.” The first quarter 2014 releases include: Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life by Wendy Blight; Leaving Ordinary: Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer by Donna Gaines; Dive Deeper: Finding Deep Faith Beyond Shallow Religion by Jenifer Jernigan; and Amazed and Confused: When God’s Actions Collide With Our Expectations by Heather Zempel. The fall releases include studies by authors Sarah Martin, Amanda Haley and Ashley Linne. The collection speaks to current life situations and are meant to bring appropriate understanding, encouragement and healing, and have common elements, including personal reflections, biblical illustrations and principles, study helps, reflective questions with suggested tasks, additional studies and discussion. “Whether used individually, in small groups, women’s ministries or in larger settings, women will be challenged to engage themselves fully and can expect their lives to change,” said Jennifer Keller, director of marketing, who expects many women to go through the studies together online since the authors will either host online studies through their own sites or through The books will be merchandised together in a display that showcases each of the titles and will allow room for future titles. Nelson’s bulk purchase program will encourage the purchase of multiple copies of any of the books in stores or online. Those who sign up on the
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