Christian Retailing

Baker Publishing Group announces marketing restructure Print Email
Sunday, 11 June 2006 08:00 PM America/New_York

Christian publishing company Baker Publishing Group has announced a marketing department restructure at its Grand Rapids, Mich., offices, which house five of six publishing divisions.

Twila Bennett has been promoted to senior director of marketing, and will lead a trade-book marketing team, including Revell, Baker Books and Chosen Books divisions. Bobbi Jo Heyboer also has been promoted to senior director of marketing, and will lead a marketing team to focus on professional and academic books including the Baker Academic, Baker Books and Brazos Press divisions.

“Baker Publishing Group has experienced steady growth over the last several years, and we are poised to grow even faster in the years ahead,” said David Lewis, director of sales and marketing for Baker Publishing Group. “This new organizational structure will position our Ada (Michigan) divisions for future growth as we continue to increase the level of our publishing program,” he said.