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Focus, Tyndale issue Family Health Challenge Print Email
Wednesday, 21 June 2006 08:00 PM America/New_York

Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers have launched a nationwide competition, called the Family Health Challenge, to motivate families toward healthier lifestyles through personal fitness, nutrition and health goals.

Families can visit to download an eight-week journal to track daily progress toward each member's personal goals, with points given. Families may then submit completed journals to a panel of judges at Focus. One grand-prize winner will receive a yearlong family health-club membership, and three runner-up prize-winners will receive sporting-goods gift certificates.

“We're thrilled to co-sponsor an event that promotes health and will hopefully give families that little bit of extra encouragement they might need to get serious about fitness and nutrition,” said Jeff Rustemeyer, marketing director at Tyndale House Publishers.