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Fortress Press wins Word Guild Awards Print Email
Wednesday, 21 June 2006 08:00 PM America/New_York

Fortress Press authors Douglas John Hall and Brian C. Stiller were honored in this year's Word Guild Writing Awards, which salute Canadian authors.

Hall was chosen as the winner of Best Book in Apologetics/Evangelism and the Best Book in Leadership/Theoretical for Bound and Free: A Theologian's Journey. Stiller was awarded the Word Guild 2006 Writing Award for Best Biblical Studies Book for Preaching Parables to Postmoderns.

The Word Guild is an association of Canadian writers and editors who are Christian and “committed to encouraging one another and fostering standards of excellence in the art, craft, practice and ministry of writing. Their desire is to impact Canadian culture through the words of Canadian writers and editors with a Christian worldview,” Augsburg Fortress said in a statement.