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Baker Books and Emergent Village announce series Print Email
Wednesday, 28 June 2006 08:00 PM America/New_York

Baker Publishing Group imprint Baker Books and Emergent Village, a nonprofit network of church leaders, have announced a new series, with the first book to release in spring of 2007.

The new series will be called “emersion” and will be targeted for “lay and vocational church leaders and people interested in the emerging church conversation,” a Baker statement said.

The first book in the series will be An Emergent Manifesto of Hope by Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones, eds. (Baker Books, $16.99, April 2007).

The book “will represent a snapshot of the main issues being considered in the emerging church, while also outlining important issues and opportunities within contemporary Christianity as a whole,” Pagitt said. “The conversation of the 'emerging church' is growing-these discussions are not only for the church, but for Christianity in North America and beyond.”

The title will be “a flagship book for understanding this important movement,” said Chad Allen, acquisitions editor for Baker Books. “It will serve the emerging church, while also providing a gateway for lay and vocational church leaders to enter the broader conversation.”

Emergent Village gathers practitioners and scholars for conversation and missional action around the issues of Christian theology, practice, spirituality, justice and church life. The network developed in the 1990s and includes Christian leaders from progressive evangelical, mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic backgrounds.