Christian Retailing

Extensive marketing campaign for latest VeggieTales Print Email
Wednesday, 20 September 2006 08:00 PM America/New_York

VeggieTales Gideon: Tuba Warrior, releasing to Christian retail on Nov. 4 and to the general market retail on Nov. 7, is set to be supported by an extensive marketing and promotions campaign. In addition to print, radio, Internet and local market TV advertising, Big Idea has announced several promotional partnerships in the Christian and general markets.

For the first time, Big Idea is partnering with Bennigan's dining chain. The in-store promotion includes signage, kid's cups and menu booklets with a $2 savings coupon. The promotion will be featured from October through December in 300 Bennigan's restaurants.

Eurofresh Farms, growers of greenhouse tomatoes, will feature the VeggieTales Gideon: Tuba Warrior DVD image and a $3 mail-in rebate on more than 1 million produce packages through programs with select retailers.

An in-classroom promotion with 10,000 Christian schools, targeted to reach more than 1.7 million students, will also launch in October. The program will include Gideon-based curriculum, posters, an in-classroom screening of the film and a $2 savings coupon geared to parents.

Consumers that pre-purchase Gideon: Tuba Warrior at a Christian retail store will receive a free Gideon football. Customers will also receive a free limited-edition Christmas ornament featuring Bob and Larry with the purchase of any VeggieTales DVD or CD during the months of November and December 2006.