Tyndale, Campus Crusade partner to launch new Bible |
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Tuesday, 10 July 2007 08:00 PM America/New_York |
The legacy of Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright lives on through the Discover God Study Bible, which Tyndale House Publishers will release in August. Published in partnership with Campus Crusade for Christ, the new Bible is the culmination of a five-year project that involved 200 Crusade staffers and 200 consultants. Bright's widow, Vonette, and youngest son, Brad, were on hand Tuesday for an ICRS breakfast to launch the new Bible, the cornerstone of the Discover God movement that will include promotion by Crusade affiliates, two Bible studies released by Group Publishing, the discovergod.com Web site and a 13-part series of children's DVDs planned for 2012. "Just as God gave Bill Bright The Four Spiritual Laws in the early '50s, He has allowed this Discover God movement to come about,” Vonette Bright said. “I believe the time has come. This is so strategic." President of the Bright Media Foundation and national director of Discover God, Brad Bright expressed a passion for helping Americans discover God's nature, saying he hopes to see the search for God become the nation's defining issue. "Today in the church we don't know who God is," he said. "We think we do, but we don't. As we expose people to who God is, our lives are changed." With pre-publication orders of 20,000 copies to date, the first printing of 35,000 may be sold out by next month's initial release. Campus Crusade will distribute 3,500 copies to staff members next week at a training conference. Mark Norton, Tyndale's Bible development director, said the project is the publisher's largest since The Life Application Study Bible, which first came out in The Living Bible paraphrase in the late 1980s.
Although based on his father's notes, Bright hopes the study Bible will inspire other books: "So a David Jeremiah or a Jack Hayford will say, 'We love what your father did, but we have our own audience. Our goal is to start beating the drum and see who God raises up."