Ryskamp espouses digital content |
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Tuesday, 10 July 2007 08:00 PM America/New_York |
The success of Zondervan's Inspired by...The Bible Experience audio version of Scripture spotlights the challenge and opportunity facing Christian publishers in the digital age, according to company President and CEO Bruce Ryskamp. Sales of almost a third of a million units in the last year of the New Testament edition of the audio Bible underscore how consumers are increasingly looking for content in forms beyond the traditional printed page, Ryskamp said yesterday. "Reading is certainly not a growing sport with young people today," he said. "Our goal is really to give people the Word of God in whatever way they want it, whether downloadable for the iPod or their MP3 player or in video ...however people want to use it, we hope to make it available to them." Gone are the days when publishers told consumers when something would be available and in what format, he said. Zondervan is increasingly thinking in terms of content rather than books. "That's where we are headed in the digital age-that the content is going to be varied, and we will get it to the user in the way the user wants it," he said. The changes in consumer attitudes require a "paradigm shift" in thinking by publishers if they are to survive, Ryskamp said. Zondervan's new Web site for digital content sales, eZondervan, is part of the company's response to market needs, he added.
The new site allows the visitor to download customized products, picking and choosing from a range of digital ministry resources, reference titles, Bible translations and inspirational titles, or have them burned onto a CD that will be mailed to the customer. A second phase of the new initiative will include a retail program that will enable Christian retailers to participate in digital sales.