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Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Wednesday, 07 April 2010 10:06 AM America/New_York
Logos of Dallas holds trunk show

Rebecca Ellis' wrapped wire crosses were the center of attention when Logos Bookstore in Dallas hosted a trunk show March 25 to display her unique art.

Susan Lewis, co-owner and gift buyer for the store, said that Logos was the first store in which Ellis, a local artist, sold her gift product more than 10 years ago. "Since then, she's become internationally known, has her product shown in The Habitat Showroom in the World Trade Center in Dallas, and celebrities such as Billy Graham and Mel Gibson have some of her crosses," said Lewis, who noted that her store has hosted a trunk show with Ellis for many years, often just before Easter.

Ellis is a pastor's wife and previously was a clothing designer. Her crosses are made of wire wrapped over and over and is enhanced with beads or a centerpiece of rocks, driftwood, glass or vintage jewelry.

Listen to an extended audio interview with Ellis:
