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Catholic coalition offers Da Vinci Code antidote Print Email
Sunday, 26 February 2006 07:00 PM America/New_York

A coalition of Catholics-including Ascension Press, Catholic Exchange and Catholic Outreach-has formed the Da Vinci Outreach initiative, with the goal of clarifying historical and theological confusion surrounding Dan Brown's best-selling book The Da Vinci Code and director Ron Howard's forthcoming movie of the same title. The outreach effort provides individuals with resources, study guides, local speaker information and other free materials online at The site also features the newly released The Da Vinci Deception by Ted Sri and Mark Shea (Ascension Press).

“The Da Vinci Code is a frontal assault on Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church,” said Matthew Pinto, president of Ascension Press. “ … is the much-needed antidote to the spiritual and intellectual poison that permeates Dan Brown's novel and that will undoubtedly be depicted in the forthcoming film.”