Missiologist to develop new B&H line |
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Sunday, 01 July 2007 08:00 PM America/New_York |
B&H Publishing Group has announced that Ed Stetzer will begin work on a special product line designed to encourage and support churches engaging today's culture in biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Stetzer, recently named director of LifeWay Research and "missiologist in residence," is the author of the recently released Comeback Churches and Breaking the Missional Code (both B&H Publishing). Stetzer previously served at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) as missiologist and senior director of the Center for Missional Research since 1998. In his new position, he will provide information that will support both NAMB and the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board's church-planting and evangelistic efforts worldwide, company officials said. Ken Stephens, president of B&H, said that Stetzer "is connected with the new generation of missional leaders. In order for us to fully serve and equip our churches at the leadership level, we need to offer a line of products specifically for those who are engaging our culture."
David Shepherd, vice president and publisher of B&H, said that the company will announce in the coming months the name for the new imprint that Stetzer will develop, as well as the logo and future author acquisitions.